With draft letter of reply, 19 Feb 1913.
10 Wetherby Gardens, Gloucester Road, S.W.5. - Congratulates the Frazers; Lady Frazer's French friend did not write at Christmas, so he did not come to stay; Dorothea is in Switzerland with her poultry-farming brother; hopes the Scotch tour was successful; best wishes for the new year.
10 Wetherby Gardens, Gloucester Road, S.W.5. - Would put car and self at their service but has had rheumatism in her hand and there might be others better suited to [provide transport] to the Palace for the ceremony; is an admirer of the Royal family and it would be an honour to even just drive Sir James to the Palace; is expecting Katie and her youngest girl for a visit.
209 Cromwell Mansions, Cromwell Road, S.W.5. - Offers congratulations to both, recognises her share in the honour; a sister is dying, bringing the rest of the family together; will go to Windermere for help with a bad throat.