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TRER/4/105 · Item · 11 Mar 1930
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Nonesuch Press Ltd., 16 Great James Street, London, W.C.1. - The Press is thinking of publishing a new edition of Herodotus; he is not happy with the existing translations and he wonders if Trevelyan would be willing to do a new one. Thinks he has found an archaeologist to write the accompanying notes: a young man at the British School at Athens [A.W. Lawrence] . Asks if Trevelyan could come to discuss the project (not on Thursday afternoon as he is sitting to Henry Lamb): it would be a very big job but his mother [Constance Garnett] translated "War and Peace" in a year.

TRER/6/126 · Item · [late 1937-early 1938]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

21, Theatre Road, Calcutta (on University of Calcutta printed notepaper). - Has tennis-elbow from playing badminton. The books [his "Essays in Verse"] arrived at the beginning of the week: they are beautifully printed and he is very grateful. It is sad they are a little too late to help him get the jobs he wanted, but he may not have succeeded anyway. Is glad Trevelyan has sent copies to the people he mentions: does not see Desmond MacCarthy's name on the list; hopes he will send one, as he would much like to hear his opinion. Asks for copies also to be sent to: [Marie] Germanova: Edwyn Bevan: Brian Lunn: Amelie Brázdová; [Monica] Bridges or Elizabeth [Daryush]; Alison Hooper of Monkswood, Great Hallingbury; Malcolm Muggeridge at "Time and Tide"; Mrs Ikramullah; Simone Téry; and B [Bev] Kalitinsky. Is negotiating with Macmillans to try to bring out the book in India. Would be good if Trevelyan could have a hundred copies sent over; asks what the book should be priced, in shillings. Feels much closer to Trevelyan now there is airmail. Will soon have out a book of essays about art, called "Prefaces" since 'all knowledge we possess is a preface to real knowledge... the Indian idea'. Is also bringing out the first of a series about Bengal folk art which the University is publishing under his general editorship. Saw Tagore a fortnight ago when he came to stage 'one of his new social plays', which Suhrawardy appreciates; he spoke 'very affectionately' about Trevelyan; he is disturbed about Japanese aggression in the Far East, contrasting the Japanese and Chinese instinct to court death like moths to the flame with the Indian 'habit of slow annihilation of self'; he has had to shave his hair and beard after his illness and so sees few people but 'still appears beautiful'. Asks Trevelyan to let him know readers' opinions of his book, particularly Bessie and Julian's.

A postscript notes that he has only received five copies of the book, though Trevelyan had said he was sending fifty; asks if Birrell and Garnett could take some copies for sale to 'curious Indian students'.

TRER/6/46 · Item · 11 Dec 1921
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Apartado 847, Madrid. - Thanks Trevelyan for his letter [in response to 6/45]: is writing to Birrell and Garnett for Ormond, "Milton's Prosody" [by Robert Bridges] and Bradley; asks Trevelyan to check if they received the order if he is there before he goes to Florence. Tells him not to stop writing verse but do his work on metre as well. Finds his age [fifty] which Trevelyan is approaching is 'difficult and depressing', and asks what is to be done about it; their upbringing requires them to 'grin and bear it', but 'since this idiotic Freud one suspects that is no solution'. Not in Sevilla yet but waiting for a second proof from the printer; does not know what they will think of Sevilla, having been there for a week; supposes it is all right if you live there and fall in love 'with a girl behind a reja [grid]' like Michel Bréal, but 'for a contemplative person... [it] is not different enough, not a sufficient spectacle to remain outside'. Japan 'the only fit place of exile'.

Menéndez has given up his post at Toulouse; he says the French and French literature are too 'middle class'. Duran 'the most amusing & capable person, & lovable too', he ought to be doing something more with his gifts, though Sickert suspects his dreams of revolution will not come true. His wife sees Mrs Jimenez sometimes, who has a second baby. Much enjoyed a conference of Cossio's on some pictures going to the Casa del Greco in Toledo, which reminded him of 'a perfectly rounded little effort of Ruskin's'. Ocaña still consul in Lille [?], spending weekends in Paris. Has been into the little palace at Mancha, which Trevelyan might remember; they are making it into a museum; he loved it. Had a lovely month when Argentina was at the Romea [theatre]; is sorry Trevelyan never saw her, as he thinks she is the best dancer of any kind he has seen. Describes her at length. They went backstage and 'worshipped' twice; 'then she is like a very intelligent Jewish pianist'.

Thinks Trevelyan has not heard any canto flamenco; La Niña de los Peines has been on, in better form than last time. In contrast to the views of the 'stupid critics' who write on 'difficult composers', canto flamenco is popular but 'much too subtle & difficult for the educated young people who... could take such a thing as Parsifal like milk'. Arthur [Waley?] is right that records are needed to 'cope with such music', but records have a different and unpleasant timbre so it is necessary to know the music already. Wishes he got on better with the words, but they are hard to catch and understand; they are not poetical. Is very interested in the prospect of [Lascelles] Abercrombie's book; remembers how good he was when discussing the article for a children's encyclopædia they were going to publish, but wonders if Abercrombie is right to select a scene from Shakespeare. His love for Don Quixote.

No-one has talked about anything but the 'Morocco tragedy' [during the Rif War] since July; 'self-deprecation all-round. Spaniards are the least chauvin [sic] people in the world.' Don Julio [Álvarez del Vayo] flew back from Berlin, gave a talk on Russian literature which Sickert could not attend, and returned at once. Posters out about the revival of "España". Bagaria the caricaturist has 'outdone himself' in "El Sol". The theatres are very dull: younger people may criticise Benevente, but since he stopped writing plays there is nothing worth going to see, and Catalina Barcena is having a baby so there is no good acting.

Could not find a house during their week in Sevilla so his wife returned to try again, once more in vain; she wants a house belonging to 'the mad Marques de la Vega Inclán', who wants 2000 pesetas per month; their rent in Madrid is 550 pesetas. The Marques owns the Casa del Greco in Toledo, which Trevelyan may remember is a 'duck of a place', and has 'invented' what seems to be an equally charming Casa de Cervantes in Valladolid. Remembers the 'jolly lunch' the day he left. Goldie [Dickinson] was 'a dear'.

TRER/ADD/59 · Item · 28 May 1944
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Has lost her address 'Like a poop (why a poop?)' so this letter must go via the Shiffolds. Hopes that she feels better, and that 'the hostel isn't too quaint'; asks her to tell him when she returns so that he can visit. Things are all right here, but 'the frost has been a melancholy impediment to the garden, and has destroyed nearly all the fruit'.

Has seen Desmond lately, 'a great joy and he seemed in good form, though like all of us he looks older'. They had an 'interesting meeting of the Memoir Club - Bunny Garnett read about that curious woman Dorothy Evans who wrote a book called Rhapsody', and they dined at a restaurant beforehand with Maynard and Lydia [Keynes]; 'Twelve of us in all - the flower, or perhaps the seed-pods, of Old Bloomsbury'. Desmond stayed at his flat afterwards.

The day before, there was a 'party at the Kennets', at which Denis Matthews and another man '"did" the Emperor Concerto on two pianos'; thinks Matthews is 'magnificent'. At the party 'Various admirals were present, and rather suspiciously voluble about the Second Front: knew nothing about it all, they trumpeted, no one knows anything but Eisenhower'. Has himself 'a sort of hope that it will never take place'.

Was invited yesterday by Mrs [Olive?] Heseltine to meet Francesca Wilson: 'What an untaking woman! I have never slightly disliked anyone more, if you follow my English'. Now he is supposed to 'read her book and follow her English'; asks whether Bessie knows 'what "I met up" means?'. His letter 'seems getting ill-natured and consequently interesting', but he hears the bell.