News Chronicle, 19/22 Bouverie Street, London - Accepts an invitation from Lady Frazer and Mr and Mrs Basil Worsfold for the 26th.
Union of South Africa, Office of the Minister of Justice, Palace of Justice, Pretoria - Recalls meeting the Frazers when she was a student at King's College in London, introduced by Mrs Worsfold, came out to South Africa as secretary to her brother Sir Lewis Richardson, and became secretary to General Smuts on his death; would like to order a complete set of Frazer books for her library; has sent them a map of South Africa for the "Anthologia Anthropologica".
3 Plowden Buildings, Temple, EC.4. - Congratulates the Frazers, '[W?] is glad that the new Government makes such a good start'; hopes they are enjoying Scotland.
73 Warwick Road, Bp's Stortford - Thanks her for her hospitality during their visit; enjoyed Sir James' lecture.
73 Warwick Road, Bp's Stortford - Thanks her for the gifts, praises her cleverness.
c/o Dr Griffith C.B.E., The Brae Cottage, Grayswood, Haslemere, Surrey - Would like to know how they got through the nights when London was bombed, their beloved Temple injured, and Plowden Buildings windows and casements blown out; has come across Dr and Mrs [Sydney?] Scott, to whom she loaned her biography of Frazer.
The Brae Cottage, Grayswood, Haslemere, Surrey - Her Temple home has been blasted, then bombed, once again bombed, and now is a complete ruin; has distributed her furniture but has become ill again.