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FRAZ/14/42 · Pièce · 26 Oct. 1930
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre - Bruxelles, 52 avenue Parmentier - Is writing an article for the 'Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire' related to Frazer's edition of the 'Fasti' and will recount the curious history of the Bruxelles ms., believes the Codex Zulichemianus was made after the Bruxelles ms. (which he refers to as the old Gemblecensis and uses the letter 'G' for rather than 'X'); Peeters proposes a review of the 'Fasti' and gives his address in Paris; Kugener's students have been reading the 'Fasti' and admire it. Accompanied by the envelope.

FRAZ/14/41 · Pièce · 15 Aug. 1929
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - Is pleased to learn that the 'Fasti' will appear soon, is looking forward to reading it with his students; a letter from Heinsius to Gevartius was published last year by Prims in 'Le Compas d'Or' and he transcribes it for Frazer, in a discussion of the dating of the Codex Zulichemianus and its relationship to the Bruxelles MS; the article on this by Peeters will not appear, and Kugener has been given the task of writing it, but he has other articles at the moment; Peeters has returned from Chicago, and now speaks English with a nasal accent; Peeters has received a grant from la Fondation Universitaire to go to Paris, and will be there in October.

FRAZ/14/40 · Pièce · 7 Apr. 1928
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - Has just read E. H. Alton's articles in 'Hermathena' ['The Mediaeval Commentators on Ovid's "Fasti"' and 'The Zulichemianus, Mazarinianus, and Other Mss. of the "Fasti" of Ovid'], discusses the copyists and dates of the manuscripts, including his view that the Bruxelles MS is earlier than Alton believes; M. Peeters is discouraged and sick, was injured in the war, has been told to stop smoking, has obtained a scholarship to study at the University of California at Berkeley, has taken against Alton's position, though Alton has done more research; Kugener regrets that he did not know of the articles before as the article wasn’t shared; Alton hopes to publish his edition at the end of the year; Krugener has finished looking at two manuscripts of the 'Fasti' at Anvers and has written an article for M. Sabbe; hopes Lady Frazer has recovered from influenza and hopes that she will send the books she has promised him; for his part he is still attempting to get the badge [for l’Ordre de Léopold?] that he was promised.

FRAZ/14/39 · Pièce · 10 Feb. 1928
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe, St Pierre - Sends notes on two manuscripts of Ovid's 'Fasti' at the Musée Plantin-Moretus [present], and asks for Noémi Renan's address; hopes Madame Frazer is well; would like to receive a copy of 'Folklore dans l'Ancien Testament'; guesses that the source of the Bruxelles ms. has 32 verses per page, and wonders if M. Peeters has reached the same conclusion. Accompanied by 4 pages of notes on the manuscripts and the envelope.

FRAZ/25/18 · Pièce · 26 Oct. 1929
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - As he has just written to James George Frazer, due to the negligence of the Université de Bruxelles, he has only received 2 of the 5 volumes of the 'Fasti'; he will announce the edition at the November meeting of the Société pour le progress d'études historiques et philologiques, and will review it in 'Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire'; he will instruct la Bibliothèque royale de Bruxelles and the Bibliothèque de l'Université de Bruxelles to buy copies.

FRAZ/25/17 · Pièce · 26 Oct. 1929
Fait partie de Papers of Sir James Frazer

Woluwe St Pierre, 52 avenue Parmentier - Due to the negligence of the Université de Bruxelles, he has only received 2 of the 5 volumes of the 'Fasti'; thanks him for his kind dedication of the copy; he will announce the edition at the next meeting of the Société pour le progress d'études historiques et philologiques, and will review it in 'Revue belge de philologie et d'histoire'; he showed the volumes to M. Peeters, who was hoping for a copy, but after seeing the five magnificent volumes, he no longer dares to hope.