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TRER/28/1 · Item · c 1893-c 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Book contains: notes from the "Law Quarterly", 1885 [1v-4r]; verse play with characters including Godfrey of Bouillon [5v-17r]. It has also been used from back to front, turned 180 degrees, for: strophe, antistrophe and epode of a poem about Dionysus and the Tyrrhenian pirates [v of endpaper-88r]; poem about Tobit [85r-81r; 79r-77v; 1 loose f between 82 and 83].

Also 73 inserts (both single sheets and bifolia), mostly of handwritten drafts of poetry. These include:
page proofs of "Trojan Captives Grinding Corn In The Palace of Menelaus", which appeared in "Mallow and Aspohodel" as "Quern Songs" [28/1/11];
draft verse and sketch plan on headed notepaper from Hôtel & Pension Palumbo, Ravello [28/1/27]; draft verse using headed notepaper from Wallington [28/1/28, 28.1/35, 28/1/38, 28/1/42];
letter, 29 July 1898, from 'W. E.' [William Edward?], Macmillan & Co. Ltd, St. Martin's Street, London, W.C., to R. C. Trevelyan, Roundhurst, Haslemere, acknowledging receipt of Trevelyan's letter of the 19th, the proofs of his poems ["Mallow and Asphodel"], which will be sent to press today, and Trevelyan's second letter with corrections that will be attended to [28/1/31];
Latin text of "Sylvae. III. Ambra" by Agnolo [Ambrogini] Poliziano [or Politian]; this may not be in Trevelyan's hand, though the pencil translation on the back is. [28/1/44]
Page proof of "Prologue for Bacchus", with stamp 'R. & R. Clark. Printers', with annotations in pencil at bottom and on verso [28/1/45].
Letter, 4 Apr 1900, from G. E. Moore, Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall, to R. C. Trevelyan. - Hopes that Bob will come some time next week; Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] will arrive on the 13th or 14th; gives corrected instructions for Bob's journey. Verso of letter, along with another bifolium, with draft verses, "Roses opening on the morn..." [28/1/55-57].

Add. MS a/305/1 · Item · 1978-[1981?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Letter, 6 Mar. 1978, from Bose to King. Discusses his old age and bad health; was a joy hearing from King, whom he remembers well. Memories of others, such as Rose, and those who have now died, like Azhar Ali, D. Raja Ram and S. Das Gupta. Would be glad to pass on his reminiscences of Wittgenstein. 'He was a very good friend to me, but I cannot say he succeeded in teaching me much philosophy'. Adds postscript asking if King is in touch with Con Drury and A. R. M. Murray, who both knew Wittgenstein.

Incomplete photocopy of letter, 5 Apr. 1978, from Bose to King. Praises King's plan of collaborating with Desmond Lee to publish their notes of Wittgenstein's lectures of 1930-1932. Fears he will be disappointed in what Bose can contribute. Answers questions specifically put to him: the dates of his time at Cambridge, and attendance at Wittgenstein's lectures; can only remember [Con] Drury and Professor Moore specifically among regular attendants; cannot answer the third question; did not take notes of the lectures, and now does not have any memory of the contents. General recollections of Wittgenstein: learnt 'very little' from him as a philosopher, but he was a good friend. Discussion of a Sanskrit word for friend, 'suhrid'. Wittgenstein obtained a sleeping drug for Bose from Switzerland when he was suffering from insomnia, and used to meet him out of each of his morning Part II exams, go for lunch with him, then walk him back for the afternoon paper. His first encounter with Wittgenstein was at a meeting of the Moral Science Club in the Lent Term of 1929 at which Bose read a paper on the nature of moral judgement and Wittgenstein asked several questions. Sometimes they would go for walks together, sometimes visit each other (Wittgenstein was at the time living in rooms in Maurice Dobb's house). Anecdote about Braithwaite asking Wittgenstein what title he wished to give his lectures, to which Wittgenstein answered, 'The subject of the lectures would be philosophy. What else can be the title of the lectures but Philosophy'.

TRER/4/102 · Item · 11 Mar 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rocca Bella, Taormina. - has heard the news of the Frys' move to Hampstead from Mrs Enticknap; it is very sad, but hopes they will soon forget Dorking. Will be back in England by Easter to be at [G.E.] Moore's Easter party, which he thinks is to be in the New Forest. Asks Fry if he could come, and persuade Goldie [Dickinson] to come also; has written to [Bertrand] Russell to suggest his coming. Will go to the Berensons next week. Saw a great deal of the Waterfields at Palermo and has got to like [Aubrey] Waterfield very much; wishes Fry could appreciate him more, as Berenson now seems to. Must see Fry as soon as possible as he must settle with Johnson [publisher of Trevelyan's "Polyphemus and Other Poems"].

TRER/46/107 · Item · 14 Sept 1905
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - The Interludes [in Prose and Verse, by G O Trevelyan] arrived this morning, and they look forward to reading it; Bessie will write soon to his father to thank him for it. Robert has 'just read most of Horace [at the University of Athens], which seems just as good as it ever was', and he expects the whole work will be improved by 'the slight alterations and 'the unimaginable touch of Time" [a quote from Wordworth's Mutability]'.

They have had a 'pleasant visit at the [Augustus Moore?] Daniels, and found all well at home'. George Moore has been for a short visit; now [Donald] Tovey is here for a week and there is 'an immense deal of music'. Bessie likes Tovey's playing as much if not more as anyone's, and he is 'very interesting when he talks about music, in a way few musicians are'; he plays 'a great deal of Bach' on the Trevelyan's clavichord, and their piano 'has a beautiful tone'.

Aunt Meg [Price] will visit in October and they hope also [her son] Phil. The Grandmonts are coming for a few nights next Monday. Does not know whether they will like returning to Taormina 'while the earthquakes still continue'; supposes 'Taormina is untouched, as it usually escapes', but Messina suffered greatly. Hopes there will not be a bad earthquake near Vesuvius, which 'is in great activity just now'; everyone near Naples seems 'very much frightened'. Will not be sorry if 'Cook's railway gets demolished', as long as nothing worse happens.

Hopes his parents are well, as well as the 'Cambo household [Charles and Molly]'; G[eorge], J[anet] and M[ary] C[aroline] seemed well when they dined with them in London; Crompton [Llewelyn Davies] was there 'and seemed fairly cheerful, though looking rather tired and worn perhaps [after the death of his brother Theodore in July].

TRER/15/114 · Item · 16 Dec 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Thinks the enclosed Epistle is self-explanatory; should 'deposit a sealed copy in the bank' to be 'delivered to Philip Erasmus [Julian and Ursula's son] when he reaches a philosophic age', but they should look at it now to be sure 'it contains no dangerous doctrine' or that 'the metrical license and irregularity is not likely to bewilder Philip's taste and corrupt his style'. Quotes an alternative reading which Bessie prefers, mentioning George Moore. Unsure whether the 'quasi-lyrical ending is in harmony with the rest', but does not want to add anything if he can help it; already afraid it is 'scarcely worthy of its theme'. Glad Julian's show has had such a deserved success.

TRER/46/116 · Item · 10 Apr 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - Thanks his father for his letter [12/94?]. Bessie 'seems to have enjoyed her stay in London' and had a good journey to Holland. Is very glad his mother has recovered; expects she will soon be 'entirely well' after a stay at Welcombe in this 'fine weather'.

Has found organising the 'Easter party' rather difficult, involving much 'writing and telegraphing', but thinks all will 'come right'. George Moore usually organises it but 'gave it up at the last moment' and left everything to him. Has got the 'two latest elected apostles' to come: [James] Strachey and [Harry] Norton; they are both in their first year, so 'the destinies of the Society will be in their hands for a long time probably'.

[Ralph] Hawtrey, a Treasury official, is staying with Robert for his holiday; he is a 'nephew of the actor', whom Robert supposes his father will have seen in The Man from Blankney's [actually Blankleys: by Thomas Anstey Guthrie]. Theodore [Llewelyn] Davies 'insisted' on Hawtrey's transferral from the Admiralty to the Treasury, as he 'thought he was the kind of man required' there; this was an 'exceptional step', and Robert believes 'much criticised at the time', but he supposes it 'quite wise'. Hawtrey is 'a man quite of Theodore's type of mind'; expects he has less of his 'power of influencing and directing others', but still 'with the fine common sense and intellectual power, and the same good political tradition', since like Theodore Hawtrey is a Home-ruler as well as a Liberal.

Will write to Welcombe from the Swan Inn, Fittleworth to say how the gathering goes; will go there tomorrow, but how long he stays depends on what the others do. The 'Vesuvius eruption seems very bad'. Lord Rosebery is at his villa now: Robert hopes he will not 'act the part and meet the fate of the elder Pliny'.

TRER/9/117 · Item · 17 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House. - Continues the explanation of his sonnet from the last letter [9/116]; after jokingly describing the poem as 'terse, weighty, thrilling, magnificent, Dante-Baudelaire-Rossetti lines', he confesses that he does not think much of it, and wishes they [the "Speaker"] had published the translations they have returned. Is getting on 'fairly well' with the new plan of his play. Has only seen the Frys once since Sunday; he is 'very busy'. Is going to see Sanger in London on Monday before he starts [for Greece]. [George?] Moore has invited to join him, MacCarthy and another on their 'wonted Easter exhibition', this year to the Lizard in Cornwall; has been the last two years and liked it, but will decide nearer the time. Suggests that she might use the library as her study while he keeps the little room; noise does travel from the kitchen, but a baize or felt door would improve matters, and the Enticknaps are 'very quiet people'. Gussie is at school all day; he has in the past been 'a little noisy' in the evening, but is improving. Sophie has asked what books he would like [as a wedding present], suggesting an edition of Thackeray, or Browning (which he has); Thackeray would be good but perhaps he prefers Meredith. Has a Goethe and Heine; has read some "Faust" and means to do more; gets on quite well with a translation and dictionary, but very slowly.

Prose note on 'religious and aesthetic emotions'. Verse, 'This love disease is a delicious/delightful trouble'. Translations by Trevelyan of the "Homeric Hymn to Demeter", fragments from tragedies by Sophocles, Euripides, and Aeschylus, an extract from Virgil ["Aeneid"] Book VI, Leopardi's "To his Lady" and "Canticle of the Wild Cock", Simonides 37, an extract from [Homer's] "Iliad" Book 24. Draft essay on aging and desire. Notes, in the style of Trevelyan's "Simple Pleasures". Autobiographical piece about a reading party at Blackgang Chine almost fifty years ago, with Cambridge friends such as Lytton Strachey, Roger Fry, Desmond MacCarthy and George Moore. Draft of "On Inspiration", published in "Windfalls". Translations of Catullus 2, 7, 12, and 50, Tibullus I.1, and Montaigne III.11 and III.6. Dialogue between 'Child' and 'Father'. Note on Saint Augustine's "Confessions". List of contents for the 1948 "From the Shiffolds" pamphlet. Notes for topic 'What does England mean to me?' and on old age.

Notebook used from other end in: list of books including [Beerbohm's] "Zuleika Dobson" and Ransome's "Great Northern?". Draft letter regarding the [re?] printing of Trevelyan's "Collected Works". Passage headed 'p. 15'; since this is followed by a review of Judson's "Life of Spenser", it may be an extract from that book. List of titles of essays, prefaces for translations, biographical pieces (Donald Tovey and C[lifford] A[llen], etc; perhaps future projects for Trevelyan. Draft piece on poets and poetry. Dialogue on the subject of translating poetry; piece "On Translating Greek Poetry", with notes on individual authors and quotations of passages. Pieces on translating Lucretius and the Greek Anthology; notes on translating Homer and Catullus; observations on a 'friendly critic' pointing out that 'too many' of Trevelyan's poems and essays begin with a scene of someone, usually the poet, 'walking meditatively in a wood' or lying beneath a tree. Translation of Tibullus III.19. Draft essay on Trevelyan's feelings about spiders, insects and other small creatures, and snakes; includes mention of a 'great philosopher' [Bertrand Russell or G. E. Moore?] disliking ants immensely.

TRER/14/12 · Item · 5 Apr [1895]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Seatoller. - Expects Bob is enjoying himself abroad. Is having a good time at Seatoller with [Maurice?] Amos, [Ralph] Wedgwood and [George] Moore; Vaughan Williams left a few days ago; he and Wedgwood 'bathe in Cambridge pool every morning'; Amos and Wedgwood work hard for their triposes, while Moore chiefly reads "Jane Eyre" and other novels, and George 'all sorts of jolly books', none for his tripos. They are all getting on well, even better than at Stye since there is not the 'slight distance between Moore and Wedgwood'. They go up the mountains in the afternoon; he and Moore, as 'the Wordsworthians of the party' went over to Grasmere and Rydal; describes Dove Cottage, de Quincey's extension to it, and S.T.C. [Samuel Taylor Coleridge]'s house. Declares that there were 'men in England then', also naming Scott, Shelley, Byron and Keats. George got his scholarship; does not seem fair that Wedgwood has not, while they give one to someone like Charlie Buxton 'of very ordinary ability' in their first year; thinks this is 'bolstering up classics'. It is however a sign that the college is doing 'their duty to history' that there is now an entrance scholarship for it. Is glad at a personal level that Buxton has a scholarship: he and George will have plenty of money to go abroad in the long vacation now. Elliott has not got a scholarship, but is spoken of as 'certain' next year. Had a nice letter from Bowen; German measles is active in [Grove] house. Asks Bob to write to him about the novel if he needs someone to discuss it with: he knows the plan and beginning, and will keep it secret. Wedgwood is a really good rock climber. Notes in postscript that he will be seeing Moore's brother [Thomas] in London again next week, so Bob should write there.

TRER/9/121 · Item · 26 Mar 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Mill House, Westcot, Dorking. - Discusses post times. The weather has been 'absolutely beastly' and he has a cold, which gave him a nose-bleed this morning. Took a day off yesterday and lunched with the Frys; [Roger] Fry is very busy, having had to give an extra lecture last week, so Bob conveys his advice on house decoration. Need good painters, as [George?] Moore had trouble when he was having his Cambridge rooms done, due to the 'stupidity of the workmen'. Gives his aunt Meg Price's address. Thinks he is becoming 'more romantic' about her; wishes he had been with her to 'caress... and explain away [his] last cruel letter' in which he thoughtlessly exaggerated his 'regret at [his] fading days of singleness' [9/119]. She will certainly not come between him and his friends, as she has 'quite enough of their own intellectual qualities to be their friend in the same way' he is. Has usually gone abroad alone and not allowed his 'sensations to be interfered with by those of others'; will probably enjoy going to Greece more with her than with 'people like Daniel and Mayor'. Attempts to explain his feelings in detail. Will be able to talk freely to his friends after his marriage, though 'it is true that men do talk more obscenely, and more blasphemously, than they ever quite dare to talk before women' and he thinks that this difference is right. Should not have written 'so carelessly' and caused her pain. Has written to her uncle saying he and she should fix the date. Crompton [Llewelyn] Davies came for tea last Sunday; he is probably going to the Lizard at Easter; he said his brother [Arthur?] and his wife went to Land's End for his honeymoon which was 'very satisfactory', but that Savernake near Salisbury plain was the 'best place conceivable', with 'every kind of scenery' only an hour from London. He says it has a good inn; Bob may look on his way to Cornwall. Seatoller [in Borrowdale] is very nice too, but much further away. Has not yet heard from Daniel how Sanger is; will tell Bessie [about Sanger's unhappy love affair] when he sees her; she guessed correctly that the woman was Dora. He and Fry still think it would have been best for them to marry, but that now seems unlikely; her treatment of him is 'not through heartlessness exactly... but owing to circumstances, and also to her rather unusual temperament'. Has done some work, and has been re-reading Flaubert's letters; feels more in sympathy with him than any other modern writer. His mother says Charles and George are thinking of giving Bessie a 'very pretty sort of box to keep music in'; wishes they would give them the flying trunk or carpet Bessie mentioned. They will have to content themselves with meeting in dreams, though it seems [Empedocle] Gaglio has a dream-carpet which will take him into Bessie's brain; still, he does not have a lock of her hair so Bob has a start.

TRER/9/124 · Item · 13 [?] Apr - 14 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Penmenner House, The Lizard, Cornwall. - Likes the sketch of Bessie's wedding costume; quite Watteau-esque as she says. He is 'no judge of silks' but the piece she sends looks good; encloses samples of cloth for his trousers and for a tweed suit and asks her opinion. Will probably stay in Cornwall till next Wednesday; [George] Moore and MacCarthy are the only others there at the moment; [G.H.?] Hardy left yesterday, and he hopes both 'Llewelyn Davieses' [Crompton and Theodore?] are coming tomorrow. Describes the place; Moore 'played a lot and sang yesterday after tea', then they played cards and talked. Is reading James's "Daisy Miller", which is 'charming'. Discussion of the music box; has written to his mother to suggest having the partitions taken out; it is from both George and Charles. Expects it would be best to invite the consul [Henry Turing, at Rotterdam, to the wedding celebration]; he may not come. Did not mean that Sir Henry [Howard] would arrange all the legal marriage business, but he offered to arrange the ceremony and invitation of the consul; expects he could do this most easily but it would not matter if they or her uncle should arrange it. Will write to Sir Henry or Turing when he hears from her uncle, though is not sure what to say. Would prefer to invite Sir Henry to the wedding, especially as Bob's father and mother are coming, feels he should ask his parents what they think. Sir Henry is a relation, and has 'shown great good-will and readiness'.

Does not see why Bessie should cut herself off completely from her Dutch musical friends; she will 'often be in Holland', and will 'surely stay at Mein's [sic: Mien Rontgen's] in Amsterdam'; in England, she will of course have 'complete freedom to make her own friends' and must keep up and develop her own talents as much as she can; he will enjoy hearing her play, but also going to hear others and getting to know her friends, but that does not mean she should not have independence of interests and friendships. Thinks that women 'have not enough respect for their own intellectual lives' and give it up too easily on marriage, through their husband's fault or their own; she should 'quite seriously consider going to settle in Berlin for 5 or 6 months' for her music. Mrs [Helen] Fry's marriage has made her more of a painter. Her pleurisy is better now; thinks Bessie exaggerates the importance of her cigarette smoking, and that any ill effects it does have are balanced by the help it gives her to create art. Has never 'been in danger of being in love' with Helen Fry, but always found her 'more interesting and amusing than any woman [he] ever met... with a completely original personality', and would not think of criticising such a person's habits but would assume they are 'best suited to their temperament'; in the same way, Moore probably 'drinks more whisky than is good for his health, and smokes too much too', but he would not criticise him. Bessie is also 'an original person' with a 'personal genius of [her] own', but in addition he loves her; has never felt the same about any other woman.

Continues the letter next day. Has finished "Daisy Miller"; and is doing some German, getting on better than he thought he would. Part of the reason for saying he would 'never learn German' was an 'exaggerated idea of the difficulty', but more because he thought, and still thinks, it will be less of a 'literary education' than other languages; is chiefly learning it for Goethe, though being able to read German scholarship will be useful. Has read Coleridge's translation of "Wallenstein", which Schiller himself claimed was as good as the original; thinks English and [Ancient] Greek lyric poetry is better than the German he has read. Very sorry about Lula [Julius Röntgen]; asks if it [his illness] will do more than postpone him going to Berlin. Has heard from Daniel that Sanger is 'getting on quite well'; hopes he will return from Greece 'quite himself again'. Will be nice for Bessie to see the Joneses [Herbert and Alice] again; he has 'become a little parsonic perhaps' but very nice; has seen little of him for the last few years. Bessie should certainly get [Stevenson's] "Suicide Club" for Jan [Hubrecht]; will pay half towards it. Will certainly come before Tuttie [Maria Hubrecht] returns. Has grown 'such a beard, finer than Moore's and McCarthy's, though they have grown their's for weeks'. Describes their daily routine. Is encouraged that Moore likes several recent poems he himself was doubtful about; is copying out the play and will show him today or tomorrow. The Davieses are coming this afternoon. Signs off with a doggerel verse.

TRER/9/129 · Item · 19 Apr - 20 Apr 1900
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3, Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Returned last night and found her letter with the patterns. [Desmond] MacCarthy is here, as they went to see Sudermann's "Magda" ["Heimat"]; they are now going out to 'buy straw hats and see pictures and Sturges [Moore]'. Goes back [to Westcott] tomorrow. Had a good time at the Lizard; [George] Moore liked his play better than expected, though thinks its subject is 'not very congenial' to Bob and he does better with 'lighter and more comedy subjects'; Bob thinks he agrees, but will try to finish this one.

Continues the letter next day after returning to Westcott. He and MacCarthy went with a literary friend of Bob's called Horne to a music hall to see Dan Leno, 'a quite Shakespearian genius' whom Bessie must see one day. Will write to [Henry] Turing tomorrow and send it through Sir Henry [Howard]. Ready to admit her uncle is right and also does not want Sir Henry to be at the wedding; thinks his parents will understand if he talks to them. The Gr[andmonts]'s feelings 'make it necessary Sir H. should not be there', though he does not think they should carry them to such lengths. Encloses two new trouser patterns with the one she chose before. Hopes she enjoys her visits and concert, and sees something of J[oachim].

TRER/13/146 · Item · 18 June 1952
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

23 West Road, Cambridge. - Desmond [MacCarthy]'s death is a 'terrible loss to his friends', and to the 'reading public whom he advised so well'; it is much to be regretted that he cannot now 'write that Introduction to the selection of Bob's work'; fears only he could have written it 'to perfection'. Took George Moore and his wife to Desmond's private funeral here; Ralph and Iris [Wedgwood] also came as well as his relations. Only person he is not sorry for is 'Desmond himself'; 'not much privilege' for the old to 'drag on in the present age' and he suffered so much from the asthma 'he endured so bravely'. Janet is much the same, but cannot get about; he leaves her as little as possible. Thanks Bessie for the offer of a book from Bob's library; he does not have a particular one he would like so she should choose one for him.

TRER/46/150 · Item · 17 May 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Is alone here until Wednesday, since Bessie is in Cambridge; she hopes to see Caroline in London during her return, and seems well, apart from a cold. The weather is 'beautiful again today, and the woods are full of bluebells'; this is the best time of the year here, before the trees are fully in leaf.

They are currently 'very anxious about H[enry] Fletcher's wife', whom they hear from Mary Fletcher to be dangerously ill: if she can 'get through this crisis' she may 'get fairly well again'. Sturge Moore, the poet, and his wife are coming to the Shiffolds for two days on Wednesday; then Moore's brother [George], the philosopher, comes till Monday. On Saturday night, Denman is bringing Tovey over in his motor-car, and Arthur Dakyns will also be here. So on Sunday they will be 'quite filled up', with four guests, but he thinks they can manage.

Expects to be in town one day next week. Will try to see Pelléas et Mélisande if they perform it a second time. Hopes his father is well. Wonders how she thinks Henry James was looking when he came to lunch: does 'not think he looked at all well at Eastbourne'.

TRER/17/152 · Item · 27 Nov 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity College, Cambridge. - Bob did not need to apologise: would know Moore would be 'extremely glad' to hear his news [of his engagement]; trusts his own 'good judgement & discernment' will stand the test Bob proposes, though he understands he was 'lately much dissatisfied with [Moore's] exhibition of those qualities'. Expects there is 'more than "often some grain of sense" in what Miss Van der Hoeven says'; reassuring that she is 'not "showy"' and is '"critical & reflective"', a type for which he has a 'strong preference' over 'brilliant & eccentric geniuses'. Sanger got Bob's letter here after Hall on Saturday, and 'made a public announcement of its contents to the [Apostles] Society'; Moore thinks Bob would have been most satisfied with the reception of the news. Only sorry they will have to wait so long to meet Bob's fiancée, and he himself 'for the opportunity of trying to follow her instructions on the piano'.

TRER/12/156 · Item · 10 July 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland [crossed through] Morperth. - Has received the enclosed. and asked Mr Withers to draw up the deed of renunciation [of the property left by Florence Trevelyan] for Robert and George to sign. Elizabeth's coming on his birthday will be a 'welcome present'; they much look forward to Robert's visit and will be glad to have [G.E.?] Moore

TRER/14/16 · Item · [14 April 1895]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - His and Bob's letters must have crossed. The stay at Seatoller ended on Thursday the 11th; he then went by himself to Melrose to walk in the Tweed and Yarrow valleys; came back to London on Saturday. Gives a rough sketch map of the area he visited, his impressions, and a brief synopsis of the role it played in Scottish history. Went to see the Moores at their home yesterday; talked for three hours with Tom, 'the most delightful person', who is writing 'another great poem on a classical subject'. Is going to Welcombe tomorrow for a few days before Cambridge; very glad Bob's book is going well, and will be interested to see it when he returns. Suggestions for Bob's 'ode [epic poem crossed through] on [George] getting the schol[arship]'.

TRER/16/160 · Item · 23 Mar 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

6, Pembroke Villas, The Green, Richmond, Surrey. - Very sorry to hear of Paul Trevelyan's death, which must be 'terrible' for Bob and his wife; glad to hear Bessie is 'bearing it pretty well'. Hettie [his sister] is in Rome, staying with [their brother] Bertie until the summer; will write and tell her. Bob will be missed 'very much' at the Easter [reading] party

TRER/16/161 · Item · 23 Dec 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Crom-a-boo, Heavitree, Exeter. - Congratulations on the 'safe arrival of Paul the first'; they only heard this morning as they left home on Thursday morning. Glad Bob's wife seemed to have 'suffered so comparatively little'. Paul weighed a little more than Dan did on his birth; they did not measure Dan. Has finished his comedy ["Two Ugly Men"?] and is very pleased with it. Dan is 'picking up nicely' since they got here. George is here and ;seems well & happy'. Has an article to write for the "[New] Quarterly" on all the new books on [William] Blake which he thinks he will do well; asks if Bob has seen [Frederick] Tatham's "Life" of Blake, edited with the Letters by A. G. B. Russell, which he likes more than anything else written about Blake. Would have put the story about Blake 'singing in bed just before his death' into his own ode "On Death" if he had known it before. Is also reading [John] Donne, but is 'rather disappointed with him'. Sends best Christmas and New Year's wishes.

TRER/14/17 · Item · 18 Oct 1897
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trinity. - Afraid he was not 'the "young person" who had taken out the Aeschylus' as his Greek can cope with Homer, and Aristophanes to some extent, but not the tragic poets; might have been able to learn if 'there had been a rational system of teaching classics'. The Fellowships were given to 'very good men' on the principle that those who were 'at their last chance' should receive them; this principle would make Moore and Barnet [sic: Lionel Barnett?] 'safe for next year', and George has other reasons for thinking this. A shame Moore could not get one this year. If there is a third fellowship next year he himself stands a chance, and his work was 'very much approved of'. Hopes that Bob is getting on well with his poetry.

TRER/5/17 · Item · 3 July 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

86 Chesterton Road, Cambridge. - Enjoyed his week at the Trevelyans' and felt quite well at the end of it; was also glad to meet Miss [Marie?] Busch. Found Desmond [MacCarthy] in town and they made plans for their proposed Baltic voyage; in the afternoon they went to Westminster Abbey. Asks for the name and manufacturer of the bran cereal he had for breakfast at the Trevelyans'.

Text on recto, with additions and corrections on facing pages; extract from play begins with dialogue between Godfrey and Raymond. Insertions [between ff. 8 and 9]: three lined sheets with draft of this portion of the play, several gaps filled in with pencil with suggested dialogue or précis of ground to be covered; three sheets [perhaps from an account book?] with dialogue between Eustace and a forester.

Letter, 14 Oct 1900, from Sophia Caroline Reid to R. C. Trevelyan, written at Selham House, Petworth. - Wonders if Trevelyan is in the neighbourhood, or is likely to be; came here a week ago to stay with her nephew Charles Lacaita and his wife [Mary]; will leave the week after next so fears there is little chance of seeing Trevelyan and making his wife's acquaintance until they come to Ravello. She herself hopes to be there by the end of October. She and Miss Allen were in London for the very hot week in July, looking to hire a new maid; she has 'secured a Swiss woman' whom she hopes will appreciate Ravello. She then spent several weeks in Scotland; enjoyed seeing friends and relations but found 'the climate very trying', with 'almost constant rain' so she did very little travelling. Madame Palumbo [Elizabeth von Wartburg] went with Jipi [?] to Switzerland for several weeks and is better for the rest and change on her return to Ravello; thinks the Pension [Palumbo] re-opens this week; knows Madame Palumbo will be very glad to welcome Trevelyan and his 'sposa' so hopes he will keep to his 'promise' and get there in 'good time'. Pencil notes in French on the back of the letter about the first Crusades and Gérard de Balagne [Godfrey de Bouillon?], also on one side of a printed sheet of meetings of Cambridge University congregation, sent out by Trinity College in October 1900, and a small slip of paper which has a reference to the "Histoire des Trou[badours] by Vaschalde.[with a shelf number, perhaps for the British Museum library?]; also on the back of the letter from Thomas Sturge Moore described below.

Letter [from Thomas Sturge Moore] sending his [poem] "Danaë" to Bob again; hopes it is 'improved'; it is 'certainly longer'. Also returns Bob's 'commentary' so he can see how many of his 'suggestions and corrections have produced an effect' and judge the result. Willing to act on others but thinks it best to talk them over with Bob first. Afraid that George [his brother] 'does not care' to correct now, and Thomas does not like to ask him when his 'interests lie so far apart from poems about little girls'. His eldest sister has done a 'great deal' for him recently, and he hopes she will continue to do so, but he thinks Bob should correct directly onto the proof. Meant to ask him to do this for "Absalom", but forgot. Is 'horrified' about "Danaë's" length and would be glad if about two hundred lines could be cut, but has not preference for one passage over another. Very grateful to Bob for 'taking so much pains'. As well as the pencil notes on the Crusades, the letter has also been used by Trevelyan to note down the name of a hotel, 'Hotel St. Romain, Rue St. Roc [Paris] and a reference to printer Firmin Didot.

TRER/14/19 · Item · [Jan 1895?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Union Society, Cambridge. - Has paid a bill for Bob to Powell of Harrow, thinks it is for footballs; will get the bureau valued and pay Bob for it, less the cost of the bill. Is getting three new pictures, and their mother is giving him a bookshelf to go between his bedroom door and the window into B[ishop]'s Hostel. Robert's spelling correction in "Joan of Arc" [a prize composition by George?] is 'unfortunate'; only saw it after it had been typed. Has given Robert's message to Parker, who 'is looking forward very much to the Macaulay'. They are setting up a suggestion book for the library at Cambo. All well here; 'universally supposed' that Marsh will get the Chancellor['s medal] and Moore the Craven [Scholarship].