Includes letters from Geoffrey Blake, Anne Chamberlain, James Clark, Basil Collier, E. M. Eller, Bernard Fergusson, Peter Fleming, Guy Garrod, P. J. Grigg, Lord Hankey, Hal Jackson, John Kennedy, R. Macleod, J. S. Rattray, S. W. Roskill, Ian Stewart, Eugenie Wavell, E. L. Woodward
14 Beacon Hill, N.7. - The people here do not want a maid after all, so he cannot help Frau Beyschley's niece personally; neither can Sandra. Ronald Chapman in Oxford, whom Joan [Allen] knows may want a maid so he has sent on details. Is glad to have Angela Lavelli's new address at the Hotel de Buci: cannot help her, but has sent on her letter to Stephen Waley, who now has his doctorate. Had prospect of going to Washington to take up a semi-permanent role as personal assistant to Sir James Grigg, but his superiors at the Treasury judged him indispensable. Waley wanted him to go and try again for the Civil Service exam in November, but he will continue at the Treasury and take the exam in the normal way: perhaps he should have pushed for Washington, but neither the place nor Grigg appealed.