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Add. MS a/355/2/2 · Item · 25 Feb. 1926
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

(Oxford?)—Cites an advertisement for an 18th-century edition of Shakespeare issued in a choice of seven bindings.




Stockdale in 1785 advertised a one-volume Shakespeare in royal octavo {1} at the following prices:—

[The items in the following list are braced together on the right-hand side:]
Boards 15s.
Calf 17s. 6d.
Calf gilt 18s.
Russia 19s.
Vellum 21s.
Morocco extra 25s.
Tortoiseshell 63s.

This is much more elaborate than anything I have noted. It shows that publishers’ binding had gone far!


R. B. McKerrow Esq.


Marked ‘noted’ at the head by McKerrow.

{1} No. 346 in Murphy’s Shakespeare in Print (2003).