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TRER/4/156 · Item · 12 May 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

100 Weston Rd, Gloucester. - It is good of Bessie to write, given her eye difficulties; will write to her at the nursing home and come to see her if he is in London. Ethel is not coming to England: he is to join her and Sam's boat at Southampton, go to Bremen, then cross Germany to Salzburg [for the Salzburg Festival of music]. Arthur Waley has engaged rooms at the Gablerbräu. Discusses tickets, for the Toscanini concert and others. Extracts from Arthur's letter to Luce originally enclosed, to tempt Bob to join the party: Luce gives several ways in which this could be brought about. John and Sandra would love to see him. Luce also asks if Bob might join them on the Hellenic cruise. Cannot make the Cambridge dinner if it is on June 18th, as he and Frank are taking John on a walking tour on his half-term holiday. Must try to be in Cambridge on the 29th for the Emmanuel dinner. Is wavering about Glyndebourne because of the expense.

TRER/4/163 · Item · 23 May 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

100 Weston Rd, Gloucester. - Asks when Trevelyan will be able to join them in Salzburg [for Toscanini's Salzburg Festival of music] his party will be Ethel and Sam [his sister and her husband], John and Sandra [his children]. Has booked tickets for "Don Giovanni", "Falstaff", "Cosi Fan Tutti", "Fidelio". "Iphigenia in Tauris", "Fidelio" and several concerts. Arthur Waley has taken rooms at the Gablerbräu. Bessie has given the impression that Trevelyan might prefer to come with John and Sandra at the end of July; it will be a great joy whenever he decides.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/34 · Item · 13 Dec. [1948]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Went to see 'A Night at the Opera', doesn't like it as much as PS does; was thrilled to watch Toscanini broadcasting from a small studio; briefly mentions a joint recital by [Artur] Schnabel and [Joseph] Szigeti and also the Boston Symphony under Koussevitsky; has seen 'Edward, My Son' with a memorable performance by Peggy Ashcroft; admires the film 'Louisiana Story' with its score by Virgil Thomson; bridles at PS's statement that 'in America analysis is just like going to the toilet [struck out] I mean cloakroom'; suggests PS get himself to an analyst like Henry [Leonard?] Wilson and suggests he prove a correlation between the Bevin Boy Business and his poor psychiatric state despite actually being 'loused up' before in order to get it paid for; could hardly believe he was writing about religion but won't lecture him despite being baited; tried to break up with Frances [Whyte] last month to no avail and mentions the private language he had with PS (Cuban); his father [Walter Diamond] is paying for analysis after meeting the analyst; tells him not to worry about PS's effect on his analysis, rather it gives him something to say; wishes he would not apologise for everything; hopes Dave [Calhoun] is well.

Letter from Mal Diamond
SHAF/A/1/D/38 · Item · 23 Apr. [1949]
Part of Papers of Sir Peter Shaffer

Describes his sessions with his analyst: 5 days a week, is aware he has to do all the work, while the analyst merely restates what he has said; describes the work he needs to do for his PhD; describes the many concerts he has attended, the two highlights already described: concerts by Solomon and Curzon, followed by Beethoven conducted by Walter, Koussevitsky with the Boston Symphony Orchestra, Toscanini in a non-broadcast benefit concert at Carnegie Hall, with the result that he heard the 1st, 3rd, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 9th in 10 days. Read [Graham Greene's] 'The Heart of the Matter'; asks if PS has resumed psychiatric sessions on his return to Cambridge.