Acknowledging Sraffa's legal declaration of the renunciation of his Jewish status.
The allegations concerned Angelo Sraffa's dealing with students of Bocconi University who were former soldiers.
Signatories: Benito Mussolini; Alfred [?] Rossi; Giulio Bergmann
Offering to donate his father Angelo's library of law books to Bocconi University.
Thanks Sraffa for the donation of his father Angelo's library of law books to Bocconi University.
Thanks Sraffa for the donation of his father Angelo's library of law books to Bocconi University.
Received Menefoglio's letter of 24 April today; is sorry, but cannot help; nothing in the papers of her late husband relating to [?] Marzio. Does not have a lawyer in Milan; there is Silla Seletti, good friend and colleague of her husband, but she does not think he will be able to help.
On various subjects including: the allegations that Angelo Sraffa was 'unpatriotic' in his treatment of students at Bocconi University who were ex-soldiers; Gramsci; Fascism in Italy,
Sends condolences on the death of Angelo Sraffa; comments on Hume's veracity and the rarity of Hume's Abstract [of a treatise on human nature]; is writing a review of W. R. Scott's Adam Smith. Is worried about the Ricardo edition, which he sees as reaching a point of crisis.