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Add. MS a/355/4/28 · Item · 21 Mar. 1928
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Denby Dale, The Grangeway, Grange Park, N.21.—Is pleased to have done justice to McKerrow’s book (in his review). Encloses a proof of Byles’s review for the Modern Language Review (Add. MS 355/5/9).



Denby Dale | The Grangeway | Grange Park | N.21
21 March 1928

Dear McKerrow,

Many thanks for your letter. I am glad indeed if I’ve managed to do justice to your book, {1}—for that was my main concern,—and to its significance for literary students. I certainly felt that I was qualified to express the views of those for whom you were writing, in virtue of my very incompetence in other ways.

I don’t think that I have much to add that would be helpful in the way you mention. But it strikes me that you might like to have a proof of the review that I’m printing in the MLR next month. I think I have a spare.—Yes. I have, & I enclose it. {2}

I notice that Byles also wants a diagram,—so it looks as if you’ll have to provide it! I had a diagram in mind like that supplied for my Corona. I will also ask Byles if he has any further suggestions. He is the son of a printer & works on Caxton,—& I’m very pleased with his review.

I should like to ask a less advanced student if he really understands Cancels even after reading you on the subject.

I must confess that I marvel how you’ve been able to produce the book, with your time so very fully occupied otherwise. But it is a splendid thing that you have done it,—& in such a way that few but yourself can pick holes in it.

Yours very sincerely
Charles Sisson


The address printed at the head (University of London, University College, Gower Street, London, W.C.1) has been struck through.

{1} Sissons had reviewed An Introduction to Bibliography in the March issue of The Library.

{2} Add. MS. a. 355/5/9 (galley-proofs, dated 10 Mar. 1928). The author of the review was Alfred T. P. Byles.