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SYNG/G/37-46 · File · 1956-1959
Part of Papers of Richard Synge

The conference, held 19-24 August 1957, was organised by the biochemist Professor A.I. Oparin of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. His book, The Origin of Life on the Earth, was being translated into English by Ann Synge and much of the correspondence refers to this. Synge was accompanied by his family and they travelled to Moscow overland.

G/37-38: Correspondence re symposium arrangements, translation of The Origin of Life on the Earth, publication of Synge's contribution (1956-1959).
G/39 Provisional programme; programme; lists of participants; etc.
G/40: Manuscript and typescript drafts of Synge's lecture; typescript abstract.
G/41: Printed 'Rough correction copy' and copy 'As corrected' of Synge's contribution for publication, both with manuscript corrections.
G/42: Letters home from Synge to his parents, August-September 1957. The letters are principally domestic, recounting travel experiences etc.
G/43: 'A 20th-Century Look at Life', Sunday Times, 25 August 1957, annotated 'Based on report telephoned by RLMS'; manuscript drafts of report by Synge on the Symposium; questionnaire given to Synge 'For Saturday afternoon Moscow News' (not filled out)
G/44: Duplicated typescript papers by others.
G/45: Correspondence re arrangements for visit to Poland; miscellaneous notes.