Correspondence re research, including gramicidin S.
J/129: 1943-1945
J/130: 1946-1949
J/131: 1950–1956, 1959
J/132: 1968, 1975, 1978
J/133: Undated.
Correspondence re research, including gramicidin S.
J/129: 1943-1945
J/130: 1946-1949
J/131: 1950–1956, 1959
J/132: 1968, 1975, 1978
J/133: Undated.
Correspondence. Schmidt worked with D.M.C. Hodgkin in the Department of Crystallography at University of Oxford and carried out crystallographic analysis for Synge including work on gramicidin S.
Title inscribed inside front cover. Used for notes while in New Zealand studying facial eczema in sheep, from the front paginated 1-114, and from the back paginated i-xxxiv.
Intercalated material includes (at front) 'Annotated contents of Notebook XXII (Arabic numbered pages)', (at back) 'Annotated contents XXII (roman numbered pages)', and results of crystallographic analysis provided by D.M.C. Hodgkin, 8 May 1959.