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TRER/46/61 · Item · 17 Feb 1898
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Il Frullino, San Domenico di Fiesole, Florence:- Is 'established here till the end of the month', when he expects to return to England; is 'looking forward to spending some time at Welcombe' and beginning his 'new plans', as he has done all he means to for his book except revisions. It is 'very pleasant' here; the only other people there are Mrs [Mary] Costelloe, Logan [Pearsall Smith], and 'Mr [Bernard] Berenson the critic, who is a delightful person'.

Is 'writing the libretto of an opera on Theseus and Ariadne [the germ of The Bride of Dionysus?] for Mrs C., who is going to get it set to music by a Hungarian friend of hers, a wealthy musician of some considerable reputation'. Thinks the musician is called 'Moore' [ie Emánuel Moór], and he will 'put it on the stage in London at his own expense and make a great success of it'. Mary Costelloe is 'providing the plot', with Robert only writing the words, as 'a grand opportunity for trying [his] hand at all possible lyric meters'; so far they seem pleased with what he has done, but he has 'only just begun'. Thinks they 'might have made a better plot, but that is none of [his] business'; he has however 'persuaded them to alter it in some particulars'.

Left the Frys [Helen and Roger] 'quite happy in Rome'; they will return to England in about April. This is for him 'a great opportunity of seeing Florence, as Berenson is probably the best critic of Italian pictures since Morelli' and has already 'made a great reputation by his books'. The house is between Florence and Fiesole, 'about a quarter of an hour's bicycle ride from the Duomo'.

Is glad his father is 'well again and able to work'; is sorry Miss Martin has been unwell. Will see Charles before he starts [for America] if he does not leave before the 23rd.