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TRER/4/253 · Item · 7 Mar [1906]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is going to marry Molly Cornish; they were engaged at the beginning of last month, but she has been rather ill so he has not written to anyone; thinks she will soon be well again. They should have enough money to be married in the summer: has been offered a secretaryship at £300 per year by Paley , who wants to get into Parliament. This will take up Fridays to Sundays, he also has the prospect of regular work at the "Speaker" on Tuesdays and Thursdays for £100 as well as his dramatic criticism, so Wednesday will be left for his 'Penelope's web ' [his novel?]. Asks to be remembered to Mrs Waterfield; he will soon be in a better position to have books sent to the people he recommends. Sends greetings to Trevelyan's wife and would like her congratulations. Dreads the wedding day, and thinks of 'Young Lochinvaring Molly [eloping with her] before the ceremony'. Is writing a short book to pay for the honeymoon. G. B. S[haw] 'explained expounded & expurgated': this is private. Is giving a lecture in May which will be 'cleverish but a failure'.

TRER/16/25 · Item · 11 Nov 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St Mary, Dorking. - Encloses a notice for the "New Quarterly"; doubts whether it will get enough subscribers to 'pay its way', but thinks at long as it lasts it should 'keep up to quite a high level of interest': the first number does not look bad, and he has 'high hopes of [Desmond] MacCarthy as an editor'. G. L[ytton] Strachey is acting as literary sub-editor, and Lord Raleigh and [Robert John] Strutt, friends of the proprietor [George Arthur Paley] are 'more or less responsible for the scientific side'. Never wrote to say how much pleasure he got from Benn's book ["History of English Rationalism in the Nineteenth Century"], which he thought 'excellent both as history and literature'; sympathised with what he said about Tennyson, Browning and others. Hopes the Benns are well; may visit Italy in the Spring, and hopes to see them if so.

TRER/4/207 · Item · 13 May [1902?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Ampton Hall, Bury St. Edmunds. - Would like to spend a few days with Trevelyan before he leaves the country; [Walter?] Runciman will probably give him a lift. Has been promised an introduction to a 'red headed Pasha'. Is going to Euboea, then probably 'to stay with the Queen of Persia' [Irene Noel?]. Must stop writing, as his host [G.A. Paley] wants to take him out in his motor car. Has been looking again at "Polyphemus".