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TRER/9/93 · Item · 14 Dec - 15 Dec 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Pension Palumbo, Ravello, presso Amalfi. - Filthy weather, as it has generally been since he arrived; has sent off his 'interminable commentary' on [Thomas Sturge Moore's] "Danaë", and has been reading Byron's play "Cain"; finds it 'surprisingly fine', though there are great faults, as in all of Byron; does not agree with Goethe's claim that Byron 'is a child the moment he begins to think'. Always pleased when he finds good things in Byron, as he is much criticised nowadays; people do not really read him, or 'only his inferior early things, e.g. Childe Harold'. Teases Bessie, pretending that 'an unconscionable young lady' keeps 'tormenting him with a stupid school-girl correspondence' and there is no telling where her reading of Plato may lead her. Is sorry that Bessie is having so bad a time with the dentist; best to go through with it in the end. Dined at Mrs Reid's last night, hearing 'local tales about brigands etc' and drinking good wine. They have 'some wonderful cats, the most beautiful [he] has ever seen'; would like to get 'one of the family some day'. Delighted to hear about [the birth of Bessie's niece] Amanda Röntgen; Bessie's aunt told him first, sends thanks for her letter. Copies out poems by Vaughn [sic: Henry Vaughan, "The Retreat"], and Blake ["Infant Joy"]. Will finish this letter and 'per-haps, as Grandmont says' send it by the early post. Is glad to have Bessie's photograph but wants the bigger one when she gets them.

Finishes the letter next day. Bad weather again; is not in good spirits as his host Palumbo is dangerously ill; Palumbo has suffered from the same paralysis before and may recover; he is a 'very good fellow' and Bob will be sorry if he dies; pities his wife and daughter. Has just read the news of the great British losses at Ladysmith; does not know whether this means the town has fallen, but it looks as though Methuen was not strong enough to relieve it; if Redvers Buller does not do better than Methuen, expects Ladysmith will fall in a few weeks and would wish that if it would lead to the reopening of peace negotiations, but this seems unlikely. Says Bessie 'deserve[s] a whipping' for interpreting his jealousy of the lovers in his carriage as a desire to hug his female fellow-travellers. Is very glad she likes the "Symposium" so much; discusses it briefly and suggests other dialogues by Plato she could read. Copies out Blake's "Infant Sorrow" and "Cradle Song". [His brother] Charlie's letter was very nice; is sure she will like him, and he 'evidently means to like [her]'. Reminds her that the new century does not begin until 1901. Glad her practising is going well.

TRER/20/90 · Item · [Autumn 1930?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Boar's Hill, Oxford. - Thanks Trevelyan for the book and ;kind letter'; is very sorry about her 'stupid mistakes', and has 'tormented' her father by 're-composing' parts of his work; the trouble is that when acting there is no time for hesitation. Her father has given a lecture on [William] Blake in their theatre; they performed "The death of Abel" ["The Ghost of Abel"], and Mr [Ronald?] Watkins was a 'fine Jehovah in purple & gold, up in the balcony'. Was fun making the body of Abel: they used the 'bust of Dante' for a head. Describes Satan's appearance. Has been cutting linocuts for Christmas cards. Her father today read his new poem on "The Wanderer [of Liverpool]" to two men who sailed on the ship; they were 'very nice people and a mine of adventure stories'. Thinks Trevelyan's play could be acted 'without much alteration', but the 'actors would be a trouble!'.

TRER/9/85 · Item · 22 Nov 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hotel de la Poste, Bruxelles. - Bessie's letter is much the 'best and nicest and loveliest' - though not 'lovingest' - of their 'first real love-letters'. Glad that she is making progress with Plato; the introduction may help, though 'in some most important directions Jowitt [sic: Benjamin Jowett'] does not know much about it'. Went to a bad French play which was even worse than the opera [Massenet's "Cendrillon"]. Tonight is going to hear [Frederic] Lamond whom his mother took him to see when he was about twelve, his first classical concert, and he was 'entranced', particularly by the Liszt; he kept 'leaning forward with his face in his hands, like [his] brother George' and his mother was worried people would be shocked by his 'bad behaviour'. Lamond's programme is all Beethoven this evening. Spent the morning reading [Thomas Sturge] Moore's "Danaë" at the gallery, opposite 'the magnificent Metsys of the life of Anna'; detects a 'sort of affinity between Moore and the Flemmish [sic] people'; certainly neither of them are classical. Wants Bessie to read "Danaë", which is 'wonderful, though wayward and awkward in places'. Nearly went to a music-hall last night as they are meant to be excellent here; would have been better than the 'awful play'. Has not been 'enslaved' by a 'Belgian or Gallic sorceress'; will take Bessie to a music-hall one day to see the 'only living art', in England at least. Teases her about her ability to fold sheets. Will reach the Hague at about eleven, and change and wash before lunch. If her letter was 'foolish', it was only in the 'good sense' Plato talks of; quotes [William] Blake.

TRER/9/71 · Item · 19 May 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Roundhurst, Haslemere, Surrey. - Apologises for not writing sooner: has taken him a while to gather his thoughts on English books for her to read. Has not read Browning's letters to his wife, but her father tells him they are quite amusing; if they are as good as the one she read out to him, they should certainly be worth reading. There is also Mackail's life of William Morris, which he intends to read as Mackail knew Morris well and is a 'competent writer'; saw an excerpt which looked fun, as it should as 'Morris was a magnificent joke himself as well as a splendid person'. Has not yet read Henry James's "The Awkward Age", which is said to surpass all his earlier ones in difficulty, but recommends "In The Cage", or "Daisy Miller". Next week T[homas Sturge] Moore's book, "The Vinedresser and Other Poems" comes out, but he is sending a copy to the Grandmonts; is not sure whether they will like it, as it has 'great faults, which people with classical tastes are almost sure to dislike', but believes many of the poems are 'nearly perfect in their own queer way'. Recommends his father's book, "The American Revolution Pt I" which is 'at least readable and amusing"; his brother George's "The Age of Wycliffe" has already gone into a second edition. The middle part of the letter can be found as 13/85.

Ends by telling Bessie to get the third volume of Yeats' edition of Blake, 'read all the poetry that is not mad' and "The Book [Marriage] of Heaven and Hell", and look at the pictures. Hopes Miss [Emma?] Dahlerup is well; expects she will be going to Capri or nearby soon. Asks to be remembered to the Grandmonts.

TRER/14/46 · Item · 2 Nov [1895?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Union Society, Cambridge. - Hopes Bob will be visiting soon. Is 'very busy' getting to know people, 'finding plenty of friends of a younger generation' so he will 'not feel shelved next year'. This is important as 'both [Ralph] Wedgwood and [G.E.] Moore are particularly lazy' about doing so: Moore is 'much more wrapped up in his metaphysics' and this 'seems to make him quite unconscious of the outside world'; he 'never says a word at Hall' or makes any effort to get to know anyone; it is 'really rather sad', for himself, and because he 'might be so very valuable' if he tried 'to influence people or educate them'; he is 'a king of debate' and they have 'grand meetings [of the Apostles' Society] largely owing to him. Hopes that their relation [Walter] Greg, 'a man of very great ability', will be chosen for the Society this year. Young [Felix] Wedgwood is 'very [emphasised] young, but very clever and original... If his brother is the Puritan he is the cavalier'. Was at '[Godfrey] Locker-Lampson's place' recently seeing their library; was most interested in the original Blake editions; the "Songs of Innocence" are 'most wonderful"; describes the "Tiger" in detail. Bob should try and see Blake's books at the B[ritish] M[useum], as they give a different idea of Blake than the '"Book of Job", where there is more thought and possibly [emphasised] less genius', though George himself likes that best. Would like to tell Bob about an interpretation he has of the "Book of Thel".

TRER/4/211 · Item · [May - June? 1906]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Trevelyan is very kind to give them such a fine [engagement?] present. Molly is well, but weak and has to take great care of herself. Has reminded Brock about Mrs Waterfield, who will be sent books to review. The poet [Aleister?] Crowley has returned from Baalbek, his hair changed from black to orange due to 'an unfortunate accident in some dyeing process'; he now resembles Blake's picture of 'Lord Mansfield guiding Behemoth' [actually "The Spiritual Form of Pitt Guiding Behemoth"]. Molly is coming to London for a few days on Saturday; hopes Trevelyan will be able to meet her. Asks if he could make her 'Wilfrid Blunt Society' dinner at Cheyne Walk next week; he would have to become a member and make a speech before dinner. Sends thanks to Bessy as well for the table, and asks if the Trevelyans will be in London for the [Apostles'] Society dinner.

TRER/4/210 · Item · [Oct 1906?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

9 Cheyne Gardens, S.W. - Thanks Trevelyan: the MacCarthys would rather have £5 [as a wedding present] as they are only half furnished. George [Trevelyan?] has been to dinner. He should not renounce "The Speaker": the new editors have let it down but there will be two dramatic criticisms, one causerie and one review per month by MacCarthy, no more [Arthur Clutton-] Brock. Sketch resembling William Blake's "I want! I want!" after the signature.

HOUG/DF/1/18 · Item · [late 1850s?]
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

17/18 U[pper] B[rook] S[treet]. - Has removed Blake's broadside ballad [i.e. relief etching of Hayley's Little Tom the Sailor?] from the lot sold to the Museum, as [Severn?] indicated that Milnes would like it; has great pleasure in presenting it; regrets absence from Milnes' breakfast as he had to visit Oxford to vote for Gladstone. Postscript: would like to borrow Milnes' American De Quincey; hopes MIlnes liked Ionica.

TRER/16/161 · Item · 23 Dec 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Crom-a-boo, Heavitree, Exeter. - Congratulations on the 'safe arrival of Paul the first'; they only heard this morning as they left home on Thursday morning. Glad Bob's wife seemed to have 'suffered so comparatively little'. Paul weighed a little more than Dan did on his birth; they did not measure Dan. Has finished his comedy ["Two Ugly Men"?] and is very pleased with it. Dan is 'picking up nicely' since they got here. George is here and ;seems well & happy'. Has an article to write for the "[New] Quarterly" on all the new books on [William] Blake which he thinks he will do well; asks if Bob has seen [Frederick] Tatham's "Life" of Blake, edited with the Letters by A. G. B. Russell, which he likes more than anything else written about Blake. Would have put the story about Blake 'singing in bed just before his death' into his own ode "On Death" if he had known it before. Is also reading [John] Donne, but is 'rather disappointed with him'. Sends best Christmas and New Year's wishes.

TRER/21/113 · Item · 11 Dec 1946
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

5 Keats Grove, Hampstead, NW3 / Tillies Cottage, Forest Green, Dorking. - Thanks Bob for the 'delightful poems' [this year's "From the Shiffolds"]: the first poem beautifully 'mingles the landscape with the mythology' and makes her see the 'steep hill up to the Shiffolds in summer. Petronius 8 makes her think of her 'little house covered with Horsham stone'; cries to think she will never bake scones on the fire there as the cottage has been sold. If she manages to shake off her influenza, she will go next week to see 'Hoad the carter dismantling it & carrying everything away', but thinks she will probably leave it to chance. There has been an 'evil spell on the Lynds for the last two years'. Addresses Bob as 'dear poet' as she bids him goodbye and asks him to visit. Hopes the Lynds will 'come & look at Forest Green again'. Robert seems 'better at last' and has begun treatment with a masseur.

TRER/21/112 · Item · 10 Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Fourways, Gomshall. - Has now read Trevelyan's poem ["The Dream"] and thanks him for 'such a lovely Christmas gift'. The philosophy of the poem reminds her of William Blake, who repeatedly 'affirms that Man is the only God', and in the "Marriage of Heaven and Hell" shows that 'the rebel Lucifer is inherently one with the Saviour Christ'. Quotes Henry Nevinson as often saying 'Pity is a rebel passion'. Everyone enjoyed Trevelyan's visit last Sunday; the others will also enjoy reading the poem and want her to express thanks on their behalf.

TRER/21/1 · Item · 29 Oct 1919
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Byways, Steep, Petersfield. - Hears Trevelyan is 'trying to do something' for T[homas] Sturge Moore [Trevelyan petitioned the government to get Moore a Civil List pension]; wants to say 'how strongly' he feels Moore's 'claims to intellectual and material support'. Knows him only a little personally, but has made 'a close study of his work' and admires his imagination and originality; Moore 'keeps alive our believe [sic] in the "world elsewhere" - never more wanted than at the present time'. Finds a 'touch of Blake' there.