Glad to become a trustee for Blakesley, will try to find the lost paper of Bunsen, disappointed that Kemble was not elected [University Librarian], wishes him happiness in his marriage to Miss Holmes
First list on headed notepaper of Morice, Toller & Blakesley, solicitors. Headed 'Letters of W. B. Donne to J. W. Blakesley'. In ink, with pencil annotations in another hand [that of Anthony Chenevix Trench?]. Note in original hand at end 'All but those marked + were arranged in dated packets by J. W. B. Those undated in letter were accordingly dated by me in red ink (M. B. [Margaret Blakesley]) and all sent (except that of Apr. 1 1877) to Mrs H. Barham Johnson [grandchild of William Bodham Donne], June 8th 1903'
Second list typed, with MS annotations. Heading 'Letters of William Bodham Donne to J. W. B.'. By Anthony Chenevix Trench [?]. Notes the loan of 79 letters to Catherine Barham Johnson by Margaret Blakesley in June 1803, and that Mrs Johnson 'published 21 of these letters, but none fully, in her William Bodham Donne and his Friends, returning the packet in 1905. 'E. H. B. [Elizabeth Holmes Blakesley?] "Weeded" 14 letters, including 2 which had been published in part by Mrs Johnson. I found 10 other Donne letters in other places, so that there are now 75 in the oacket, arranged chronologically so far as possible'. Notes on 15 of the letters.
Hawarden - doubts about going to Cambridge so soon after the election, Blakesley's marriage and resignation of his fellowship
Ware - commiserates with Thompson on not being given a Fellowship, concern for the health of his wife, fears for the war with Russia, criticism of the electors for the Hebrew Fellowship who elected Jarrett
Trinity College - election for the High Stewardship of Cambridge University, Grote appointed Father of the College. wishes to marry and resign his fellowship but does not hold out hope of a living and finds the idea of employment at a school distasteful, description of his fiancée [Margaret Wilson Holmes] and her close family, request of Thompson to take the first division of his students in Thucydides, installing a water closet
Queen's Hotel, Hastings - death of Blakesley's wife, loss of friends and relatives a hazard at his age
East Ely - Mrs Blakesley's illness, to stay with Thompson, arguments between the officials of Ely Cathedral, war in the East
40 Weymouth Street - companionship of Blakesley
40 Weymouth Street - arrangement of Donne's visit with his family, "Willie" has not yet visited
40 Weymouth Street - will advise Mrs Blakesley and Lady Miller on plays, did not think that he would live to be "one of the most celebrated and unpopular men of the day", Done attacked in Bell's Weekly Messenger, "snobbish and impertinent" letter from Lowe's Private Secretary