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BUTJ/M/5/1/17 · Item · 30 Nov 1913
Part of Papers of Sir James Butler (J. R. M. Butler)

Chaired a debate on the Poor Law, Poland, Geoffrey Tower is to lecture on the poets of the reformation, hopes no Newnhamites will attend and cause them to be curtailed, Winstanley has revolutionised history, Malcolm Bullock and Dennis Robertson,read more

PETH/2/204 · Item · 22 Jan. 1926
Part of Pethick-Lawrence Papers

King’s College, Cambridge.—The contention in Abbati’s book (The Unclaimed Wealth; see 2/237) may have something behind it, but its exposition is muddled.



King’s College, Cambridge
22nd January, 1926.

Dear Pethick Lawrence,

When I lookedread more

BUTJ/E/2/23 · File · 1949
Part of Papers of Sir James Butler (J. R. M. Butler)

Letters from B. Goulding Brown, Sir Ernest Barker, Betty Behrens, Harold E. Butler, Sir M. S. D. Butler, Sir Herbert Butterfield, Sir G. N. Clark, V. H. Galbraith, G. P. Gooch, Gerald Graham, Michael Grant, H. Lauterpacht, Belinda Norman-Butler, Sir F. more

Add. MS c/105/44 · Item · 23 Dec [1879?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Writes on the occasion of Robertson's marriage, referring to the 'two wonders' produced by getting married in one's middle age: the question of how one existed so long unmarried, 'and 'how this strange mingling of lives ever came about.' MS copy of 'partread more

Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head
Add. MS b/50 · Item · 1886-1891
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Translations of six poems by Martial and one by Archilochus, with dates and places of composition and publication. Letter from [Andrew Sydenham] Farrar [Gow] to Dennis Robertson, 23 Aug 1959, advising him to offer the pieces to Trinity College Library,read more

Wilson, Sir Henry Francis (1859-1937), knight, barrister and civil servant