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TRER/46/120 · Item · 22 Dec 1906
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Dr Clarke says that Bessie 'could not be doing better'; Paul is also very well, and 'sleeps a fair amount'; Clarke will come again tomorrow. The nurse 'manages splendidly'. The household is also getting on very well: Mrs Ent[icknap] 'takes a great deal of trouble' and Alice also 'helps well'. Gussie [Enticknap] was 'kept in the dark until yesterday evening', when his mother took him to see the baby; he 'seemed very much astonished'. He thinks he will 'soon have someone to play cricket with, but that is looking forward too far'.

Everyone thinks the baby looks a lot like Robert; supposes he must be, but to him he 'looks far more like Mr Finch'; asks his mother not to tell this to Finch. The baby is 'certainly very healthy and a fair size, 7 1/2 lbs and 20 inches'; his hair is 'about Bessie's colour, or a little darker, and his skin is rather brown'.

Lady V[aughan] Williams has just called to enquire and invite Robert to High Ashes for lunch; thinks he will go, as Bessie usually sleeps after lunch. Miss [Sophy?] Wedgwood and Margaret Vaughan Williams also came to see the baby this afternoon, and 'thought him very charming'. Does not think he missed writing to anyone: sent telegrams to Aunt Anna, Aunt Meg, Uncle Harry, Aunt Nora, Janet, Molly and a few others. Sends love - also from Bessie and Paul - to his father; will write to him next. Must finish now as the post is due.