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TRER/46/134 · Item · 21 Feb 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel, La Croix de Cavalaire, Var, France. - Has so far been 'very lucky' with the weather; this is a 'beautiful place', he thinks more so than 'most better known places on the Riviera'. The hotel is 'fairly comfortable', and though large, does not hold too many guests. About the only English people here are Noel Farrer and his wife: he is Lord Farrer's brother, and Robert and Bessie know him them slightly. They are 'both very keen liberals, and very pleasant people to see something of'.

The only other people he knows are 'two old French Protestants, Mr & Mrs Ott', whose villa is about a mile away; he and Bessie made 'great friends with them here three years ago. Mrs Ott was 'once quite a fine singer and a beauty, and was a great friend of Nietszche', as well as knowing 'Wagner and all that set'. The Otts are 'very cultivated and intellectual people'; he occasionally sees them at their villa, or here.

Bessie writes that all is well with her and Paul. Robert expects her cousin Louisa Hubrecht will by now be with her. She is also looking forward very much to his mother's visit. Hopes his father has now recovered completely from his 'fall on the ice'. Asks him to thank his mother for her letter, which came yesterday. Happily, has had better news of Helen Fry since coming here: it is very likely she will recover soon from this attack; it is 'the future that causes great anxiety'.

Saw Charles briefly in London, who seemed 'very cheerful and ready for the fun'; Robert 'hope[s] it will be fun; it certainly ought to be. [He] can't say much for the Lord's case, if Earl Percy's is the best defence that can be made for them'. Will please Charles that 'Land Valuation is included in the program': Robert only wishes his brother 'were at the Local Gov[ernment] Board to help in working it out'.

Has just finished [H. G. Wells'] Kipps, and much enjoyed it: there might not be 'quite enough story' for it to be at its best throughout, and some things may have been 'more in place in Wells' [Modern] Utopia or Mankind in the Making, but it 'ain't a bad book - reelly, as Kipps would say'. Sends love to his mother, will write to her soon.

Add. MS a/717/6 · Item · [Nov. 1888?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Headed 'For place of College shoe black'. Browne's address given as 15 Brunswick Walk, Cambridge. 'Still at the Kitchens after 20 yrs service'. Signed by N. M. Farrer, H. V. Barnard, C. A. Sherring, G. J. T. Seckham, G. H. Duckworth, J. W. Cave, C. W. Parry, J. G. Veitch, W. R. Hoare, H. T. Wright and E[?]. M. Butler, all Trinity students.

With stamp of the Chief Constable's Office, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, 10 Aug. [18]89.