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TRER/10/107 · Unidad documental simple · 1 Feb 1911
Parte de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Relieved all well about the measles; does not think it will spread and is glad the little girl [May Enticknap: see 46/174] is getting better. Would very much like to see Julian; expects he will soon be crawling. Mary goes home tomorrow; she has been very good, and much amused her grandfather, with whom she has long conversations. Sidney Lee stayed last night; the Ernest Trevelyans are coming from Oxford on Sunday. C[harles] and M[ary] cannot come till Sunday morning as it is 'the Ministerial ?Amusement'. She and Sir George will go up to town about the 22nd; she has a ticket for Elizabeth for the concert then. Sends her regards if Mrs Hubrecht [wife of Ambrosius Hubrecht?] is still there; had thought it was 'Mrs Jan' staying with Elizabeth. Glad her son's [Jan or Paul?] expedition is interesting. Hopes Mr Carter recovers soon. Sends love to Robert; hopes 'the musician with the striking name [Benvingut Socias i Mercadé, see 46/174] ' is pleasant. 'What praise of Strauss's new opera ["Elektra"]!'. A postscript saying she is glad 'Patterson succeeded'.

TRER/10/108 · Unidad documental simple · 9 Feb 1911
Parte de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Glad to hear Julian is crawling now; will send a parcel for his birthday soon. Unlucky that Miss [Margaret?] V[aughan] Williams has caught measles; it can be bad in adults. Miss Martin came to Welcombe yesterday; they expect the Runcimans, Janet, and George on Saturday; think Charlie is also coming since he stayed at home with a cold last week. Thinks Elizabeth will like Mrs Walter Rea; glad she has 'such nice neighbours'. She and Sir George move to London on 22 Feb; she will go to the concert on the way from the station, and asks whether Elizabeth will be there. Asks how she liked 'the Spaniard' [Benvingut Socias i Mercadé, see 46/174]. Nice that Julian listens to music.

TRER/46/174 · Unidad documental simple · 2 Feb 1911
Parte de Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - He and Bessie are sorry to hear she has a cold, and hope by now it is gone. The weather is 'very cold and nasty here today', but everyone is well except May [Enticknap]; she however is recovering, and he does not think she had measles badly. Went to London on Tuesday to dine with his 'friend [George] Hardy the Actuary, who has been working out the Invalidity Insurance scheme for the Government'; wanted him to meet [Ralph] Hawtrey so they arranged a dinner, with [Francis?] Hirst also present. They had a 'lot of political discussion': according to Hirst, if Phil Price had been back, he would have had a good chance of being chosen as [liberal] candidate for the Forest of Dean.

Is very sorry that Aunt Meg is not recovering more quickly. Supposes his father has finished his [jigsaw] puzzle by now. Says they should 'keep the Medici book [Lives of the early Medici as told in their correspondence, by Janet Ross?] as long as Papa wants it'. Saw Charles and George 'at breakfast' yesterday; both seemed well, and 'Charles quite cheerful'. Hilton Young has got the 'city Editorship' of the Morning Post, so will 'give up the Economist: his new job is 'well paid, £800 a year, and he will be able to say what he likes, though of course politics won't come in much anyhow'. People such as Hirst and George 'seem to think it is a good thing', since Young will be 'much more able to afford the expense of standing [for Parliament] a few years hence'; Robert hopes they will not have another election for 'four years or so'.

A Spanish musician they do not yet know is staying at the Shiffolds this weekend: [Benvingut] Socias, a friend of Röntgen and Casals; he does not speak English, so Robert will 'get some practice speaking French'.