Burkitt House, Woodbridge. Answers to queries from Wright the recent biography of Edward FitzGerald by Thomas Wright, whom Loder calls 'TommyRot'. Says 'Our dear E.F.G. has up to this time been singularly unfortunate in his biographers'.
Cowper School, Olney, Bucks. - Originally accompanying a copy of Thomas Wright's 'Life of Edward Fitzgerald; details of what he has omitted, with advice on what Aldis Wright should omit from a future edition of his More Letters of Edward Fitzgerald. Mention also of Thomas Wright's other work about to be published, The Letters of William Cowper.
The printed heading of the notepaper advertises the publication of Thomas Wright's volume of poems, The Ivory Coffer.
In reply to William Aldis Wright's suggestion that the 'author of The Keepsake verses attributed to Mr Thomas Wright [in his biography] to Edward FitzGerald was Edward Marlborough Fitzgerald', published in the previous week's issue of the Athenaeum.
Cowper School, Olney, Bucks. - Noticed Aldis Wright's lettter to the Athenaeum and sent a reply [see ADD.MS.a/6/24]; the letter will not be printed in full, so thinks he should write. Regrets that it is too late to have Aldis Wright's opinion that the Keepsake verses which T. Wright attributed to Edward FitzGerald in his biography were in fact by Edward Marlborough FitzGerald printed in the second edition of the biography; will certainly include this if there is a third edition.
The printed heading of the notepaper advertises the forthcoming publication of Thomas Wright's Life of Walter Pater