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Add. MS a/6/42 · Unidad documental simple · 29 Jan 1883
Parte de Additional Manuscripts a

Allington Lodge, Merton, Surrey. - On the recent move from Cheyne Row; her children; her husband's school. Has been 'trying to arrange and copy' her uncle [Thomas]'s letters, so that when 'Mr Froude gives up the remainder of them and everybody has finished writing his little "Articles" about him they may be all correctly printed (without almost any notes or comments) & allowed to speake for themselves. Knows little about the 'matter of the statue [of Thomas Carlyle] on the Embankment'; has written to the Rector of Chelsea [Gerald Blunt] asking whether the subscription list is closed, and will send his reply on to FitzGerald. Postscript saying she encloses Mr Blunt's letter [Add.MS.a/6/45].

Add. MS a/6/45 · Unidad documental simple · 31 Jan [1883]
Parte de Additional Manuscripts a

Chelsea Rectory. - The monument [to her uncle Thomas Carlyle, to be situated on the Chelsea Embankment] is paid for, and the subscription list closed. There was enough to pay for all they wanted, and even a small surplus; this was given to the sculptor [Edgar Boehm] since he took on the work for less than usual due to his 'interest in the subject'.