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Add. MS c/56/49 · Item · 1 Oct. 1913
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles, 75 rue Montoyer - Thanks him for 'The Scapegoat'; was particularly interested in the chapter on the Saturnalia and the persistence of the death ritual of Kronos in the Roman army.

Add. MS c/56/48 · Item · 17 July 1912
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles - Thanks him for the copy of 'The Golden Bough' third edition and admires it; tells him the latest news about the Acta Dasii, mentioning an article by Salomon Reinach and [Hippolyte] Delehaye's objections; sends him a copy of 'Astrology and Religion'.

Add. MS c/56/47 · Item · 16 Dec. 1907
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles, 75 rue Montoyer - In continuing their discussion of Attis and Easter, Cumont sends Frazer a transcript of his article 'La Polemique de l'Ambrosiaster contre les païens' in 'Revue d'histoire et de litterature religeuses' (vol. VIII, 1903).

Add. MS c/56/46 · Item · 6 Nov. 1907
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles, 75 rue Montoyer - Thanks him for the book ['Adonis, Attis, Osiris'] and adds information to Frazer's theory of Attis and Easter from Ambrosiaster about heathens in the 4th century practicing blood atonement; discusses an alternate explanation for the origin of the sacred prostitutes, citing Strabo.

Add. MS c/56/45 · Item · 26 May 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles, 75 rue Montoyer - Thanks him for his help with his article; hopes that [Theodor] Nöldeke was able to help with the etymologies of Omanos/Amadatēs/Haman/Hammedatha, has not found it in Strabo; refers to work done in the last year [in the Pontus region?].

Add. MS c/56/44 · Item · 12 Apr. 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Bruxelles, 75 rue Montoyer - Concerning the discussion in 'Man' on his interpretation of the Acta Dasii, has written to [Andrew] Lang already, and wonders if he would send the attached note on its authenticity in reply to [Edwin Sidney] Hartland to 'Man', and asks him to translate it for Hartland's students; includes a passage from a letter from [Franz Wilhelm] Drexler about a sacrifice and the New Year's King; mentions a passage in Strabo's Geography about Albanians who seize a man, feed him well for a year and then sacrifice him to the gods. Enclosed is the letter for 'Man', published there in vol. 1 (1901) with an introduction by Frazer.

Add. MS b/36/41 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Highgate [recte Highgarth], Gloucester. Dated 21 April 1901 - Sends [Frank] Jevons' article [not transcribed]; says not to worry about [E. B.] Tylor, who is immersed in his Gifford Lectures; is glad [Franz] Cumont sent the note [about the Acts of St Dasius], is amused [Andrew] Lang misunderstands others despite complaining that others misunderstand him.

Add. MS b/36/40 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 19 April, 1901 - [Franz] Cumont sent a copy of a defense of the Acts of St Dasius; regrets that [Andrew] Lang is publishing a book and has not been in contact since writing the 'Fortnightly' articles; he had not heard of [F. B.] Jevons' article, and notes that [E. B.] Tylor hasn't written to acknowledge the book Frazer sent; could not vouch for Miss Lister's information; there is no need to say anything in print about his review.

Add. MS b/36/39 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 2 April, 1901 - Agrees with his view of avoiding controversy; thanks him for the reminder of the cases of prayer among the Dieri [reported by Alfred Howitt], and for his distinction between religion and worship; does not think, and neither does [Franz] Cumont that there is reason to doubt the Acts of St Dasius; admits he has not read Grant Allen's 'The Evolution of the Idea of God'; obtained information on the survivals of paganism from Miss Roma Lister, who helped [Charles] Leland collect folklore; offers notes to counter [Andrew] Lang's 'last tirade against me in the "Fortnightly"', including an exaggeration of a disagreement with [Theodor] Nöldeke, but is inclined to think Lang right in saying that the Crucifixion even on Frazer's theory would not have contributed to the deification of Christ and will strike that out in a new edition, and asks his opinion.

Add. MS b/36/36 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Inch-ma-home, Cambridge. Dated 27 March, 1901 - Returns the [Henry Ling] Roth letter and asks him to encourage the Queensland Government to publish it, notes his theory of taboo and totemism is identical to Henry Jackson's; thanks him for the review of GB in 'Man' and discusses it at length, and cites [Franz] Cumont in regards to the question about the Acts of Saint Dasius.

FRAZ/15/31 · Item · 20 July 1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Châtel-Guyon - Is pleased that Frazer liked his saint and the cattle thief ['St. George and Mithra "The Cattle-Thief"' in 'The Journal of Roman Studies'?] and thanks him for his help; agrees that publishing the notebooks would be valuable.

FRAZ/18/29 · Item · 27 Sept. 1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 13 Avenue Kléber - Would like to subscribe to the 'Anthologia Anthropologica' when it comes out.

With a note in Lilly Frazer's hand at top, 'Professor Cumont is a Belgian professor at Rome university'.

FRAZ/32/242 · Item · [1930?]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris - Has just returned from Brussels, and arrived at the Société d'anthropologie in time to hear Sir James but had to leave early; is returning to Rome so won't have time to see them; will send his lecture at Yale, 'Afterlife in Roman Paganism'.

Add. MS c/58/14 · Item · 21 April 1901
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Highgarth, Gloucester - Sends [Frank] Jevons' article [not present]; says not to worry about [E. B.] Tylor, who is immersed in his Gifford Lectures; is glad [Franz] Cumont sent the note [about the Acts of St Dasius], is amused [Andrew] Lang misunderstands others despite complaining that others misunderstand him.

FRAZ/28/14 · Item · 28 May 1928
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Paris, 13 Avenue Kléber - Thanks him for the congratulations on the news of the honorary degree from Cambridge; is pleased to be his colleague three times over: aux Inscriptions, à Cambridge et dans l'ordre Leopold.