28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13. - Did not know W. J. Perry had delivered a Frazer lecture, has never heard him say a word against Frazer, is sorry the lecture won't be included in the volume [of Frazer Lectures he is editing], will list it in the Introduction; is making Rivet's footnotes uniform, see that Rivet adopted the diffusion theory in his lecture; believes some controversy is good in a book as long as it is not personal as Marett's lecture was [about Elliot Smith]; does not think there is a need for galley proofs but could save money by going straight to page-form.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13. - Will deliver the material [for the Frazer Lectures volume] to the printer on Tuesday; has a number of questions about Egyptian words in Rivet's essay and has written for clarification; encloses a draft of the Introduction and asks for changes or additions; has been working hard as he would like to see it published in October.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - He must work through Dudley Buxton, who is now Secretary to the Anthropology Committee as relates to the Frazer lectureships; suggests J.G.F. write a letter about Rivet; otherwise H. J. Rose, a good man, will be picked; applauds her work on founding a French Folklore society.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13. - A letter with 9 numbered points in response to a letter from her [about his role as editor of the Frazer Lectures volume]: offers congratulations for the Glasgow honour [University of Glasgow establishing the Sir James Frazer Lectureship]; praises Elliot Smith's position in his letter to Frazer of 3 Aug. 1932 [FRAZ/3/117 in which he states he is happy to have the Marett lecture included in the Lectures volume]; is pleased that Perry's lecture will be included; thanks her for the cheque, notes that the work is not done, but will spend the money on copies of Frazer's works he does not own; would like to have a Frazer portrait for the frontispiece; asks for the return of the letters from Marett; Rivet is happy to have his essay amended; returns Marett's letters.
Hotel Palais d'Orsay, Paris. Dated 4 April, 1932 - Thanks him for [Sir Walter] Spencer's 'Correspondence', his 'Faith, Hope and Charity in Primitive Religion' and for offering to dedicate the second volume to him; notes that Spencer's criticism of Frazer's theory of circumcision and subincision is persuasive and should he ever publish a new edition, would warn readers of this fact; thanks him for putting in a good word at St. Andrew's [re: the honorary doctorate?]; has enjoyed meeting their French friends in Paris: [Lucien] Lévy-Bruhl, [Marcel] Mauss, [Paul] Painlevé; [Paul] Rivet is due to return from Indo-China. With a typescript footnote identifying the volume dedicated to Frazer, and quoting the dedication.
77 Boulevard Saint-Marcel, Paris - Sends a bibliography of French books on American ethnographic topics, paricularly the Incas, the Eskimo.
Société des Américanistes de Paris, 61 Rue de Buffon - Informs him he has been nominated as a Membre d'Honneur.
Congrès International de Folklore, Paris - Is very pleased that the Frazers are going to attend the Folklore Congress; the Department and Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires is being created and will be run by Georges Henri Rivière, whose deputy will be André Varagnac; he will be happy to be listed among the friends and well wishers for studies of Frazeriana.
Clair Logis, Verrières-le-Buisson (S et O) - Announces the formation of the Société des Amis de Pierre Saintyves, and the committee of Louis [Marni?], René Maunier, and Paul Rivet hopes he will accept the nomination of membre d'honneur.
University of Bristol - The Librarian is purchasing a copy of the 'Bibliography'; is sorry to hear of Sir James' health, and is sorry that Claude, Nicolette, Raymond, André and Rosemarie are not available; suggests Jacques Arnavon who might know someone; wishes her to give his regards to Paul Rivet.
28 Grange Road, Barnes, S.W.13 - Thanks her for sending letters from Mlle. Rivet and Paul Geuthner; has begun to mark copy [of the Frazer Lectures volume] for the printer, is adding footnotes - Moret's lecture will take time; the size of the page is determined by Evans' illustrations; will need to rewrite Westermarck's MS, as it is full of corrections; the lectures are of unequal lengths, with Malinowski's the longest; asks for some information on the origin for the Introduction; Macmillan says they can publish in October only if it is sent at an early date; Macmillan will not pay him for the work.
Cut page, the end of a letter about the Frazer lectures volume - would like to know the date of Rivet's lecture; is keeping notes for remuneration at the end of the project; sorry to write when she is surrounded by packing cases.
Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle - Thanks him for the Frazer Lectures volume; is returning to work after a long illness.
10, Wood Lane, Highgate, London, N.6. - On Christmas Day received a number of letters from Cambridge field workers, detailing disintegration of ancient social order in Nepal, hope of contact with the Lawa in Siam, and the importance of the divine king in Africa; has received the Frazer lectures volume and admires it: he says that caustic commentators declared the anthropologists did not understand Rivet's French but thought it beautiful, and the French students understood his French and thought his anthropology wonderful, whereas he enjoyed both.