55 Rue de Varenne, VIIe - She proposed a conference on Sir James and his works to [René] Grousset of the Musée Cernuschi, with a reception at the Musée Guimet; her sister has asked for four copies of 'La Crainte' vol. III, and she would like to have the complete set; has not finished with the proofs, as the Belgian printers are very slow; she has spoken of her with Granville Barker; this week is an important meeting of the Société du Folklore to appoint a new president, they are thinking of [Georges] Rivière, who is the new director of the Musée d l'homme.
Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Palais du Trocadéro, Paris 16e - Marcel Mauss tells him that Sir James is in good health and still working; wonders if he may have a copy of 'Rameau d'or' for their museum library.
Congrès International de Folklore, Paris - Is very pleased that the Frazers are going to attend the Folklore Congress; the Department and Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires is being created and will be run by Georges Henri Rivière, whose deputy will be André Varagnac; he will be happy to be listed among the friends and well wishers for studies of Frazeriana.
Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires - They are very happy the Frazers will be at the Congrès; Georges Henri Riviére has heard that he will be invited to present an address just prior to one given by Jean Zay.
Many people will be unhappy that they cannot come to the Congrès [International de Folklore]; informs them that it is Georges Henri Rivière who has done so much to establish the great French institutions, and asks Frazer to mention him in his speech [which will be given by Robert Downie].
Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires - Sends greetings from Georges Henri Rivière and himself; thanks them for 'Pasha the Pom'; their department grows thanks to the efforts of Rivière.