Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires - Sends greetings from Georges Henri Rivière and himself; thanks them for 'Pasha the Pom'; their department grows thanks to the efforts of Rivière.
Many people will be unhappy that they cannot come to the Congrès [International de Folklore]; informs them that it is Georges Henri Rivière who has done so much to establish the great French institutions, and asks Frazer to mention him in his speech [which will be given by Robert Downie].
Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires - They are very happy the Frazers will be at the Congrès; Georges Henri Riviére has heard that he will be invited to present an address just prior to one given by Jean Zay.
Congrès International de Folklore, Paris - Is very pleased that the Frazers are going to attend the Folklore Congress; the Department and Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires is being created and will be run by Georges Henri Rivière, whose deputy will be André Varagnac; he will be happy to be listed among the friends and well wishers for studies of Frazeriana.
Département et Musée National des Arts et Traditions Populaires, Palais du Trocadéro, Paris 16e - Marcel Mauss tells him that Sir James is in good health and still working; wonders if he may have a copy of 'Rameau d'or' for their museum library.
55 Rue de Varenne, VIIe - She proposed a conference on Sir James and his works to [René] Grousset of the Musée Cernuschi, with a reception at the Musée Guimet; her sister has asked for four copies of 'La Crainte' vol. III, and she would like to have the complete set; has not finished with the proofs, as the Belgian printers are very slow; she has spoken of her with Granville Barker; this week is an important meeting of the Société du Folklore to appoint a new president, they are thinking of [Georges] Rivière, who is the new director of the Musée d l'homme.