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TRER/24/96 · Item · Dec 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: poem, "Moonlight", by E. D. Idle; "Notes from a War Diary" by S. S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poem, "Lord Death", by Ethel Ginsberg; poem, "The First Hand (for John Donne)" by Nicholas Moore; poem, "Lines for Music", by G. Rostrevor Hamilton; poem, "Apologia Punica" by "J. H."; "By the Abinger Well", by the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

Index for Volume 2 of the "Chronicle"; note from the Editor saying that it will only be possible to publish eight numbers next year, but that the subscription will remain at six shillings, also encouraging people to fill in the following form to renew their subscription.

TRER/24/88 · Item · Christmas, 1940-New Year, 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Contains: "From An Abinger Diary", C.J.S.S. [Cecil Jackson Squire Sprigge]; poem, "Strength", G. Rostrevor Hamilton; "The Destructive Duck", Helen Page; poem, "Solomon Made Wisdom", by D. Eardley Wilmot; poem, "Ivory Tower", by S.S. [Sylvia Sprigge]; poems, "Song for Christmas" and "Fragments to be Found in Ruins (For Priscilla), by Nicholas Moore; letter from Max Beerbohm to 'S.S' about her "The Refugee and the Home Office", in the previous issue [see 24/87], with a letter in response from S.S.; and a note about renewing subscriptions from the Editor [Sylvia Sprigge].

TRER/21/47 · Item · 26 Sept 1937
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

86 Chesterton Road, Cambridge. - Thanks Bob for giving him a copy of his Lucretius translation, and feels 'very much honoured' to be presented it by the author. Has already read a great deal of the translation 'in various places'; it 'seems very good'. [His son] Nick liked the 'get-up of the book', and was surprised the [Cambridge] University Press had 'produced such a nice-looking book'. Just returned from a fortnight's holiday at Southwold; Tim has returned to school and Nick begins residence at Trinity in October. with lodging's in Maid's Causeway.

TRER/5/36 · Item · 13 Feb [1919?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

17 Magdalene Street, Cambridge. - Thanks for the parcel of body belts: thinks Nicholas now has as many as he will need. His vaccination has taken well, though he has got another cold. Hopes they are keeping well at the Shiffolds; there is trouble with coal supply in Cambridge and they are all living in one room; Moore cannot smoke much because of the baby but this is probably good for him.

TRER/5/35 · Item · 21 Jan [1919?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

17 Magdalene Street, Cambridge. - Thanks for the binder: it is a little big for Nicholas but he will soon grow to fit it; it is kind of Elizabeth to offer to knit more, perhaps one about an inch and a half less in circumference would fit. Nicholas was circumcised last Thursday; alarmed them by being sick and a short spell of limpness yesterday, but otherwise he has been well. Letter originally enclosed a photograph of him taken on Christmas Day.

TRER/5/25 · Item · 19 June 1951
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

86 Chesterton Road, Cambridge. - The doctor came yesterday and was pleased with George: it is not a coronary thrombosis, as feared, but just a 'tired heart-muscle' and he will soon recover. George has been up since breakfast and won't go to bed until after dinner; he is not to go to Trinity on Thursday for the presentation of a silver inkstand and Sheffield tray with silver tea service to the Master and Mrs Trevelyan [on G. M. Trevelyan's retirement as Master of Trinity], but will sign the address which the Vice-Master will bring round tomorrow. Has been very busy herself: her father was here for a month and needed much attention, so it is probable she did not keep an eye on George. There has also been the excitement of the O.M. [Order of Merit] which thrilled her father, although the boys have taken it casually; there have been lots of letters of congratulation, and people coming round for tea. George is looking forward to seeing Bessie when he goes to Leith Hill Place next month.