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TRER/46/309 · Item · 11 Oct 1923
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds. - Glad to hear his parents are well, and hope soon to travel to Welcombe, before the cold weather begins. Here the weather is damp, but still quite warm. Spent a 'pleasant weekend' with George and Janet at Berkhamsted; they all paid a call to Matthew Arnold's daughter [], who lives near Tring. George has since sent his Manin [and the Venetian Revolution of 1848], which Robert and Bessie 'are reading aloud in the evening with great pleasure'.

Sees that Oscar Browning is dead; people will probably 'remember his faults rather than his merits, but King's [students] and dons often speak of him with a certain affection, especially the more liberal-minded ones'; he was generally 'in alliance' with these in University and College affairs, though Robert imagines he 'was apt to be a troublesome ally'. Julian 'writes cheerfully from Bedales, and seems to have begun the term well'.