With the assistance of/by their mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
6: 12 Oct. 1906, typescript.
9: [Jun. 1907?], containing sketch of Michael James and Henry George Babington Smith.
100, 102, 109: Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
101: 9 Aug. 1916, in the hand of Bernard Babington Smith.
103: 23 Jan. 1917, in the hand of Michael James Babington Smith
105: 14 Mar. 1918, enclosing a flower
106: [1918?], enclosing picture postcard
107: 7 Apr. 1918, with additional note from David Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
115: 18 Aug. 1921, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
108: 26 Aug. 1914, jointly addressed to Michael James and Henry Babington Smith
110: 2 May 1918, with addition, Michael James Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
111: 20 May 1918, enclosing letter from R. H. Macaulay to Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith, 18 May 1918, and a copy of her reply, 20 May 1918.
117: 7 Jan. 1925, enclosing letter from A. G. Wilson to Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith, 6 Jan. 1925.
126: 21 Sept 1911, written on photograph [ of Henry George Babington Smith and two members of the Bruce family?] taken at Duncraig, Nairn.
129: [Sept. 1912?], enclosing printed Horris Hill school list for Sept 1912, including Michael Babington Smith.
136: 9 Aug 1915, with additional note from Henry Babington Smith to his wife.
145: 1 Aug 1921, picture postcard of Basle [Basel/Bâle]
Enclosing three photographs: Bernard, Margaret, Henry George and David Babington Smith with their mother; Bernard and Michael Babington Smith with their mother; and Bernard Babington Smith. All taken at Beech Law, Surrey.
121-123, 15 Oct 1905-8 Nov 1906, written with the assistance of/by his mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
122, 10 Feb 1906, encloses a sketch.
121-127: Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
128: 9 Aug. 1915 with additional notes from Margaret, Constance, and Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith.
149, 151, 153: Typescript
150: 23 Aug 1921, addressed jointly to Henry and Michael James Babington Smith.
Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
Includes picture postcards showing: Berlin; telegraph station near Berlin; Athens. Letter of 16 Apr 1906 (162) contains sketches of Rome and Postal Conference delegates.
Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
200: [early 1912?], with messages from Michael James Babington Smith to his father, and Bernard and David Babington Smith to their mother (all in Helen Walker's hand).
202: [Jan 1920?], with additional note from one of the Babington Smith children to their mother (in Helen Walker's hand)
214: [1924?], contains 'signature' of Elisabeth Babington Smith
With the assistance of/by their mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
217-228: Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
221: 23 Oct. 1910, with additional notes from Bernard and Margaret Babington Smith to Henry George Babington Smith and from Bernard and Margaret to Michael James Babington Smith.
227: copy of extract from 226.
229-230: 16 and 26 Feb 1912, in the hand of Lady Constance Veronica Bruce.
244: [19 Aug. 1916 or later], with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith; enclosing press cutting, 'The National Anthem', Theodore P. Brocklehurst to The Times, 19 Aug. 1916.
254: 6 Apr. 1918, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith.
255: [Summer 1919?], beginning of letter missing.
260, 261: typescript.
266-281, 292-294, 306-308, 310: Written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
268: [Jan. 1905], contains sketch of Henry George Babington Smith by Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith
276: [Jan. 1905], seal of Edward, Lord Bruce.
281: 17 Jan. 1905, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
282-283: 14 and 16 Jun. 1905, both containing sketch of children by Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
288: 19 Jun. 1905, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
290: 3 Jul. 1905, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith, 4 Jul. 1905
312-314: 20, 21 and 25 Feb. 1907, all with additional notes from Henry George Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith, written by or with the assistance of Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith .
319: 5 Mar. 1907, with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
335: [May/Jun. 1908?], sketch at Frinton, coloured by Michael James Babington Smith.
342: 20 Sept. 1909: with additional note from Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
353: 1 Oct. 1911, written jointly to Henry and Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
375: 17 Oct. 1918, with additional note from Henry George Babington Smith to Henry Babington Smith
384: 5 Jan 1920, with additional note from Lady Rachel Catherine Verney to Henry Babington Smith
385: [Apr. 1922], with additional note from Henry Babington Smith to Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith, 1 May 1922.
With the assistance of/by their mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
With the assistance of/by their mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.
With the assistance of/by their mother Lady Elisabeth Mary Babington Smith.