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TRER/ADD/28 · Item · 28 Jan 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Is ‘all right again’; only did not go to the Wednesday concert in Dorking as he was ‘hearing music in London instead’. As soon as ‘the air stops being like ice and the ground like glass’, hopes to visit, but ‘even the blackbirds can’t stand up when they walk to a crumb, so what help is there for humans?’.

Has been much enjoying ‘the Berenson poem in the Abinger Chronicle [Vol. 1. No. 2. To Bernhard Berenson; it is ‘not as good as the Goldie [Dickinson] one, but Berenson is not as good as Goldie, and within the limits he imposes Bob has turned out a very lovely and moving tribute to civilisation’. Has been reading a book about M[atthew] Arnold by ‘an America, called Trilling’; does not think he ‘has much feeling for poetry, but he is very good otherwise’, and gives Forster ‘surer ground’ for his admiration of Arnold.

Has ‘also read Elizabeth [von Arnim]’s frothy new novel Mr Skeffington’; it ‘has a touching denouement and was not badly built, and might have been good if she hadn’t such a frilly undi-fied [? undignified] mind. Has also read [Pope’s] Dunciad. Remembers Evelina [the book by Fanny Burney?]as ‘rather too little of a good thing’. His ‘trousers caught on fire at the Woolfs, and the house caught on fire at the Bells, but neither fatally’ and he much enjoyed himself. ‘Clive Bell is a charming host’.

TRER/ADD/57 · Item · 21 Nov 1943
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Tells Bessie to 'keep the Boswell for Beethovenian cycles'; is glad that Bob is reading aloud from it. Pleased they had 'such a nice visit from [their grandson] Philip. I expect and hope that he cried on the chord of C because a chord is too much of a good thing at once, whereas a scale is just a lot of nothings-at-all in a row, and he could deal with them severally'.

Asks if she has heard how Hsiao Chen is; he wrote to Forster after Dr Bluth took him for an x-ray, and 'was hoping to avoid an operation'. Afraid Margaret's operation 'though not making her worse, did not do her any good'; does not know what arrangements Florence [Barger, her sister] is making for her. Understands that 'Evert and his Molly [Mollie Sinton, who married Evert Barger in Jan 1944]' are being very helpful.

His mother is 'fairly well and sends love'. Forster fears they have 'now left it too late and date in the year' for Bessie to visit; looks forward to coming to see her and Bob at the Shiffolds. Now has a copy of Trilling's monograph', and could lend it to her if she likes. It is 'an intelligent but almost overwhelmingly serious piece of work. It praises me for my seriousness; then censures me for my lack of seriousness... but when summing up it suggest that my very absence of seriousness may imply a seriousness far more serious than superficial seriousness'. Was 'rather difficult to know how to thank the author', but he is 'pleased with the book, and tried to say so'. His mother 'cannot read it for nuts [?]'. Has had 'several letters from America, and some tins of food'.

TRER/ADD/80 · Item · 2 Feb 1949
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's Coll. Cambridge [on headed notepaper]. - Bessie has written him 'Two very lovely letters', which he 'value[s] greatly'. Has 'enjoyed becoming seventy, thanks to good health, and everyone's kindness'. What Bessie says about his 'Fiction Fragment', and his 'broadcasting of it', also gives him 'much pleasure. How nice it is to be praised, and I cannot believe it does one much harm'. It would do so 'if it led one to think one was always a success; but with the world as it is, and so completely ignoring the good advice one gives it, one cannot be led into that error.

Glad to hear of Bessie's 'better domestic arrangements'; hope they continue. Owes Bob a letter: has not yet thanked him for his From the Shiffolds. Was 'so glad to read that poem about Goldie again - it never fails to move me'. Hopes to come and see them both again in the spring.

Asks if Bessie knows that Florence [Barger] is a grandmother: the baby [Jennifer] was born to Evert and his wife in New York, and 'cradled in the cradle that lately cradled the baby of Lionel Trilling, who wrote a book on me' and lent it to them; 'Rather charming. All seems well'.

Is 'distressed to learn of Julian's unhappiness', and hopes 'life will become easier for him'.

TRER/ADD/91 · Item · 26 Sept 1951
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

As from 129 Wendell Road, Shepherd's Bush, W.12. - Thanks her for her letter and news; does 'sympathise' with her over 'this miserable upheaval [the possibility of moving from the Shiffolds]. Sorrow in itself is wretched enough' and from it comes 'the necessity for choices and decisions - at a time when one longs to rest and drift'. She also does 'not have the haven Cambridge so miraculously opened for' him. Julian seems the 'obvious person' for advice, but Forster supposes he 'is not what is called "good" at it, and no amount of trying can produce that sort of "goodness".

Is writing partly as he is 'broadcasting on the Third Programme on the subject of the Third Programme on Saturday and Monday. Great solemnity - recording van sent specially to the Buckinghams in case my ankle [which he had recently broken] feels tired'. He 'got out of plaster earlier this month', and spent a 'pleasant week' in Aldeburgh. His ankle has been 'rather troublesome' since then, but he understands this is 'not unusual'. Has a 'most comfortable and genteel shoe', and is seeing the surgeon again next week. Is just about to leave for London now by car, partly so that he can pick up Agnes [Dowland] at Barnet.

Thinks 'the opera [Billy Budd, for which Forster had written the libretto] will be fine'; has now heard it all, and has been 'strumming at' a proof copy of the piano score this morning. They have still not found a singer to play Billy: he 'must look fine, so central European stomachs are unfortunately excluded'. The final possibility is 'a young man who cannot sing all the notes', as the part is a high baritone. Forster is 'all for having him. What do a few notes matter?'.

Has not seen Florence [Barger] since her return, but has spoken to her on the phone, she 'seemed most happy and prosperous'. Is using another sheet of paper to 'urge you, whatever you decide [about her home and future] not to be too unselfish, but to procure whatever money can provide towards the comfort of your body and mind'.

Occurs to him that she might like to see the enclosed piece [no longer present], written for 'a "Reader's Club" magazine in the States which has been founded by Auden, Trilling and Barzun', whom he respects: they have chosen his new book [Two Cheers for Democracy] for this October, and requested 'something for the magazine'; asks if she can return it.

Postcript: 'Unfinished novel [what was later published in short story form as The Open Boat?] in an awful mess I fear'.