29 Aug 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan
Thought Bessie might like to see the enclosures [no longer present]; does not want them back. R. V. W. [Ralph Vaughan Williams] tells him 'he has now heard from her [reference unknown]'. Is going to spend the weekend with the Bells; hopes he [emphasised] gets back. Was very nice seeing her and Bob recently, and the Sturge Moores. Must get the Goethe novel which he [Thomas Sturge Moore?] recommended; Forster had never heard of it. Always 'fall[s] off Wilhelm Meister.
His mother seems fairly well, and 'more worried about the tea & rations than the bombs'. Must go to meet Mr Todd [perhaps J. J. Todd of Dorking, like Forster involved with refugee commitees and The National Council for
Civil Liberties], who is coming to tea.