I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Sends a cheque for £60, as arranged with Nicky [Mariano]. Mary 'almost astonishingly well': appears in the Library, talks a lot, and likes to meet people as normal; she may perhaps remain an invalid but seems not to mind this. Berenson's sister Bessie has arrived 'very calm and nice and gentle'; she has a fever but Narina [?] says it is nothing. [Wanda] Landowska came to dine yesterday; found her 'intelligent and delightful... with strange looks, between a biblical Rebecca and a gipsy'. Anxious to hear what Trevelyan thinks of his note on [Woolf's] "The Waves". Has read Trevelyan's Pope but not yet begun his article on [Lytton] Strachey, so will not send it back for a few weeks. Had a letter from Julian, who says he should decide whether he will translate Joyce into English. Wishes he could go to Paris and then London; still a chance he may. Knows nothing of Miss Gastaldi, and must enquire.
6 Mar [1932]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan