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TRER/5/78 · Item · 27 July 1936
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Has been in Rome: Countess Papafava, mother of Margherita Bracci was dangerously ill, so he stayed at the American Academy with [John] Walker and spent his days with the Braccis; hears now that they are all back in Montepulciano and she is convalescing well. Will not have his usual time at La Consuma this year. Hears good news of B.B. [Berenson] and Trevelyan may hear from Mary or those around her, though perhaps not since she is 'at the Mud House' [the home of her daughter]; asks for news if he sees her. Very anxious about Spain, especially as he has a friend from Madrid who may well be separated from his family there. Would be very glad to read Forster's book ["Abinger Harvest"?]; hopes Trevelyan will return to Italy in the winter.

TRER/15/78 · Item · 26 Dec 1931
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

c/o Conte Umberto Morra di Lavriano, Villa Metelliano, Cortona, prov. di Arezzo, Italy. - He and [Umberto] Morra send best wishes for the New Year. Has been here a week after a fortnight at I Tatt; Mary [Berenson] was 'very ill', but seems to be recovering; it will however be a 'long illness'. Only saw her twice, for a couple of minutes; she was 'very charming' and asked after Julian. B.B. [Bernard Berenson] was 'subdued, but very sympathetic'. There were no dinner guests, so most nights Nicky [Mariano] read aloud "Anna Karenina", which he found very fine and much 'more subtle' than he, or B.B., remembered. Aubrey and Lina [Waterfield] were 'a bit tired out by their two pupils'; they and [their daughter] Kinta all asked after Julian and seemed to have enjoyed his visit. Hears from Bessie that Julian's show opens on 15 January; if he stays in England until the end of the month Bob will be sure to be back at home. If C.A. [Clifford Allen] goes to Paris, will try to meet him there. Expects he will stop for two or three days at I Tatti when B.B. returns around the 20th, then come back home. Though it is very cold, has been out in the hills every afternoon trying to start a long poem. The "Nation" have at last published his 'blasphemous poem'. He and Morra read Shakespeare, Ariosto and Tasso in the evening; Makalé [the dog] barks on these moonlit nights, which makes him 'open the window and shout at him in English and Italian'. Sends love to [Maria] Germanova, [Alexandr] Kalitinski and Andr[usha Kalitinski] if Julian sees them. Is going to Florence to celebrate the new year with Alda [Anrep], Nicky etc. Glad Julian is seeing Millet; John Walker will probably be in Paris for a few days so Bob has given him Julian's address, but explained he is likely to be very busy; got to like Walker, who will probably stay at the [Hotel] Londres, 'very much this time'.

TRER/5/77 · Item · 22 Nov 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Thanks Trevelyan for sending a copy of his "Beelzebub". B.B. [Berenson] is well and satisfied with his work: the 'drawing book' is almost finished, and the translation of his book of reminiscences into Italian by Cecchi has given him much pleasure. Mary is much better than last year, though sometimes distanced from conversation. Was not surprised by the result of the [British] election; imagines Trevelyan might have preferred a 'slightly different one'; says he should write any comment to Nicky [Mariano]. John Walker is expected for the weekend.

TRER/5/76 · Item · 27 June 1935
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Montepulciano (Prov. di Siena). - Has had news from Elsa Dallolio of I Tatti, who paid her first visit there on B.B. [Berenson]'s seventieth birthday: Mary [Berenson] dined and seemed well; his own opinion is that she is getting better but also grows intolerant of everything going 'against either her hopes or her prejudices'. Elizabeth is amazed at her fluctuations in health. However there is something 'big' in her so that those with her must 'feel the benefit of her greatness' even when sharing her life has inconveniences. B.B. was very healthy, but a month of life at I Tatti at the height of the season in Florence has tired him. Mary is due to go to Vienna soon, then B.B. and Nicky [Mariano] leave for Venice; he is tempted to join them there but put off by the heat. The music at Florence has been mixed: began with hearing [Adolf] Busch's rehearsals of the Brandenburg concerto and was very taken buy the performance, though he regretted the choice of the 'modern' piano over the clavichord despite Serkin's beautiful performance). The Weingartner performance of [Beethoven's] ninth symphony was uneven. Was sorry not to hear "Norma"; found Serafin's conducting of some other Italian vocal pieces lacking delicacy; Bruno Walter gave a good performance of [Mozart's] "Seraglio", an uneven one of Mozart's "Requiem", and a difficult Mozart concerto at Palazzo Vecchio. Saw Gluck's "Alceste" on an immense scale in the Boboli gardens. [John] Walker is here again and settled in Rome: B.B. is worried that he will be distracted by 'too many girls and women'. Hopes he will see Trevelyan at the Consuma in August, where he will go to allow Nicky to take her holiday in Sorrento. Hopes Bessie Trevelyan is doing well after her operation.

TRER/5/116 · Item · 19 Oct [1931]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Montepulciano (Prov. di Siena). - Thanks Trevelyan for his gift of [Woolf's] "Waves". Is here till tomorrow and saw Iris Origo last night; appreciates her all the more as he comes to know her; hopes to take Walker to stay with them for a few days. Heard 'the pathetic voice of Lloyd George' [on the radio?] a few days ago; did not think what he said 'first-rate' or 'accurate'. Asks where Julian is; was expecting to see him in October. Nicky [Mariano] said there is no water at I Tatti, but expects it will be better now due to recent heavy rain. Was amazed that Clifford A[llen] supported MacDonald [over the National Government]; asks for Trevelyan's opinion. Was in Arezzo recently for a commemoration of Petrarch; the foreigners he met there were 'all very gloomy'. Asks if Trevelyan has received the Baudelaire which Alberti says he has sent him.

TRER/5/115 · Item · 31 Mar [1931]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Apologises for not replying sooner, due to flu. Hopes that Trevelyan is recovering well after his operation, and that 'excellent friends', as well as his wife' are helping time pass pleasantly. Hopes to go to Rome after Easter. [John] Walker is coming, with Alda and Cecil. Hopes to come to England. Has sent word to Florence that Trevelyan's subscription to "Pègaso" should be paid. The Berensons left in uncertain weather and had a bad journey, but they seem to be much enjoying Tunis. Encourages Trevelyan to write an epistle to his doctor.