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Add. MS a/659/21 · Item · 15 Mar. 1824
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Norfolk House, (London).—Declines to establish an institution for the relief of shipwrecked mariners in Suffolk.

(In the hand of an amanuensis, except the signature.)



Norfolk House
March 15th 1824


In answer to your Letter of the 10th inst: I have to assure you that altho’ I cannot doubt of your qualifications to give efficacy to the object of any Institution for the preservation of Shipwrecked Mariners—Yet I must beg to decline originating the formation of any separate Establishment for this purpose in the County of Suffolk

I have the honor to be
Your ob[edien]t hble Serv[an]t

Captain George William Manby
&c &c &c


The missing letters of words abbreviated by superscript letters have been supplied in square brackets.

Add. MS a/659/19 · Item · 31 Mar. 1822
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Henham Hall.—Will subscribe to Manby’s work (probably his Voyage to Greenland).



Henham Hall
March 30th | 1822

Dear Sir

I have to apology† for a great omission in not answering your letter received last Month; but as I was getting into the Carriage to go from home when it arrived, it was mislaid, and I did [not] {1} recollect it, till I found it in my Portfolio a few days since. You will oblige me by putting my Name down as a Subscriber to Your Work, {2} and I am

dear Sir
Y[ou]rs faithfully


Docketed, ‘L[or]d Stradbroke’. Dawson Turner has added at the head, ‘To Capt[ai]n Manby’. The missing letters of words abbreviated by superscript letters have been supplied in square brackets.

{1} Omitted by mistake.

{2} Presumably Manby’s Journal of a Voyage to Greenland in the Year 1821, published this year.

† Sic.