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Add. MS c/98/14 · Part · 23 May 1887
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains the delay in replying to Patterson's letter as being due to Sidgwick's wish 'to consult [Coutts?] Trotter and some other discreet and experienced person before expressing [his view].' Reports that he has discussed the first of Patterson's queries with Trotter and Michael Foster, and they have all agreed that it is highly unlikely that any publisher would be found who will pay anything to a translator of Mr Loczi Loczy Lajos's book, but that a publisher - perhaps Macmillan - might be found who would 'take the risk of the book, if a translation were offered him gratis'. Suggests that he make an application on the subject to the Geographical Society. Offers to apply to the latter society through Francis Galton; asks him to send any notices which may have appeared of it. Asks him to tell him the general character and drift of the article [ ] [ ] II. Explains that the good reviews tend not to publish translated articles, unless those by foreign authors already known to the English public. Expressed his regret that Mrs Patterson 'is not yet re[ ] to Magyar society.

FRAZ/28/188 · Item · [after 20 Feb. 1885]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

One of a set of four testimonial letters printed in support of Frazer's candidacy for the Librarianship of the Royal Geographical Society: Frazer 'is a genuine student and has read deeply in a wide range of subjects', is indefatigable, with a good working knowledge of modern languages; would be interested in the Society's collections in terms of his own research, but is so conscientious that the research would not interfere with his duties. Accompanied by two duplicates.

FRAZ/28/189 · Item · [after 20 Feb. 1885]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

One of a set of four testimonial letters printed in support of Frazer's candidacy for the Librarianship of the Royal Geographical Society: praises his scholarship and industry, has made himself a 'a competent German and French scholar' with a fair knowlege of Italian. Accompanied by two duplicates.

FRAZ/33/190 · Item · 6 May 1938
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Hill Crest, Dormans Park, East Grinstead - Gives advice, as asked, on using the garden of the Royal Geographical Society, and on the insertion of leaflets in the 'Geographical Journal', and suggests writing to the President Professor Balfour; also suggests the "Geographical Magazine" and the Central Asian Society, where Sir Percy Sykes has influence.

FRAZ/28/190 · Item · [after 20 Feb. 1885]
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

One of a set of four testimonial letters printed in support of Frazer's candidacy for the Librarianship of the Royal Geographical Society: Frazer has a keen interest in modern science, is 'proverbial in Trinity for his continuous industry and enduring "power of work"'. Accompanied by two duplicates.

HOUG/EM/5/2 · Item · 3 Jan. 1856
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

14 Brunswick Sqr. - The Royal Geographical Society has refused an application for funds for an African journey by [Nathan] Davis: Dr Shaw suggests the Dilettanti might be interested. Davis' aim is to establish sites of cities mentioned by Classical authors; his preparations; the writer's own interest derives from former residence at Tunis.

Enclosure: A statement relative to the operations of the Society for Exploring and Evangelizing Central Africa, by means of native agency. Printed: London, Arthur & Warren Hall, 1855.

HOUG/EM/3/57 · Item · 26 Oct. 1860
Part of Papers of Richard Monckton Milnes, Lord Houghton

On embossed notepaper for the Royal Geographical Society, 15 Whitehall Place, S.W. - The 'genial artist' John Burnet is in great want; encloses copy of an application for funds on his behalf. Enclosure: copy of application from members of the Royal Geographical Society to Lord Palmerston, 30 Jul. 1860, seeking a pension for John Burnet, with appended lists of his publications and engravings.