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Add. MS a/457/1/10 · Item · 3 Dec. 1957
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Apartment 303, 120 Central Street, North East, Washington, D.C.—Sends proofs of the Supplement to the reprint of McKerrow’s edition of Nashe.



Apt. 303 120 C Street NE {1}
Washington D.C.
3 Dec. 1957

My dear Blackwell,

I am sorry if you have been impatient for these proofs. One reason for the delay has been that I have been travelling about {2} a lot lecturing—as far north as Maine & south to N. Carolina & as far west as Missouri. Also I have had to wait until I got answers to several queeries†. But here at last they are, and I hope you will think they are pretty clean proofs.

The Introduction to the Supplement should go before the Supplement. I don’t know if you in-tend a title-page to it, and I don’t know if you intend to page the Introduction or to mention the Supplement {3} in the general page of contents before vol. V. May I leave all this to you?

The cost of sending this to you by air mail—and if I sent it by surface mail you might not get it till after the New Year—is high, and reminds me that I have been put to a good deal of expence for postage. If you felt inclined to make a contribution, will you send £4 (say) to be paid {4} into my account at Barclays Old Bank, High St. If you don’t feel inclined, do nothing and say nothing, and no offence taken (or, I trust, given).

Our time here is nearly at an end, & we begin to drive to California on Jan. 4. I daresay we shall be three weeks on the way, but short of earthquakes, tornadoes etc we should arrive at the Huntington Library by January 25. {5}

Every good wish to you and Lady Blackwell for Christmas & the New Year

Yours ever
F. P. Wilson


{1} i.e. Apartment 103, 120 Central Street, North East.

{2} There is a scribble in green biro across the words ‘I am sorry … travelling about’, the significance of which is unclear.

{3} There is a cross in the margin, apparently referring to the words ‘A Supplement to McKerrow’s Edition of NASHE’ at the head of the page, which were presumably added by Blackwell.

{4} The two lines ‘of expence … to be paid’ are marked with a line in the margin, in the same bright blue ink as the inscriptions described in the previous note.

{5} Followed by a tick in green ink.

† Sic.