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Add. MS a/659/23 · Item · 25 June 1827
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Great Yarmouth.—Sends a letter of Dr Gooch for his collection of autographs.



My dear Sir

I send you a valuable Letter of my Friend Dr Gooch, as it portrays his Character and it will be better preserved in your collection of Autographs & his Character more known to the world than if held by me

I am
Dear Sir
Yours very truly
G Borrett

G[rea]t Yarmouth
June 25th 1827

[Superscription:] To | Dawson Turner Esq[ui]re


The missing letters of words abbreviated by superscript letters have been supplied in square brackets.

Add. MS a/659/17 · Item · 8 Mar. 1822
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

(London.)—Is unable to give an opinion on the best time to gather conium.



My dear Sir

I have attended so little to the sensible properties of vegetable Medicine & to the proper time for gathering & preparing that it would be affectation in me to offer to give an opinion about it. On looking at the specimen of conium you have sent ment {1} I am of course struck at the beauty of its colour & naturally ask whether it would not be more efficacious than the plant gathered in June. For several acts of kindness I feel myself indebted to you & am dear Sir

Your obliged Serv[an]t
R Gooch

[Superscription:] Battley Esq[ui]re | 114 Fore street | Moorfields


Postmarked ‘2 c’Clock | 8·MR | 1822A·NO’ (the last two letters are indistinct), ‘T·P | Chas St Soho’, and ‘2’. Docketed, ‘Professional | Dr Gooch’. Sent to Dawson Turner with Add. MS a. 659/23. The missing letters of words abbreviated by superior letters have been supplied in square brackets.

{1} A slip for ‘me’.