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Add. MS b/36/322 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Librairie Ancienne & Moderne. E. Nourry, 62, Rue des Ecoles, 62. Undated - After the year's free subscription to 'la Revue d'Histoire et de Litterature Religieuses', he asks him to publicly support the journal and subscribe for the next year.

FRAZ/16/38 · Item · 7 Nov. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Clair-Logis, Verrières-le-Buisson (S.-et-O.) - Gives the layout for the title page of 'La crainte des morts'; points out that multiple honours are not listed after authors names on French title pages, the most appropriate one is chosen; the book will not be published until 1934.

FRAZ/29/61 · Item · 22 Jan. 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Hyères, Hotel Continental - Émile Nourry writes under his nom de plume P. Saintyves: they are on holiday by doctor's orders; thanks him for his support of Professor Sayce; when he is in Paris in May, hopes he may meet René Maunier, the president of le Société du Folklore; he has no doubt heard of the death of Madame Salomon Reinach; offers his congratulations for the Frazer lectures volume; is working on a book on the cult of water in France.