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TRER/23/101 · Item · 28 Oct 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

35 St Leonard's Terrace, Chelsea, S.W.3. - Very much liked Bob's poem [in the "New Statesman" about Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson]; was staying with Barry [Alfred Barratt Brown?] when it appeared, who read it out. They are coming [to Surrey?] tomorrow until Sunday night; asks if Bob is coming over; they will suggest going to the Allens' for tea on Sunday.

TRER/5/84 · Item · 28 June 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

I Tatti, Settignano, Florence. - Has corresponded with the Braccis about the Lloyd girl, and Trevelyan will receive a second message from Lulli [Lucangelo Bracci] through Nicky [Mariano] soon. Sprigge [Cecil or Sylvia] has not approached them. The Braccis would like to send their eldest son, who has graduated and preparing to enter the diplomatic service, to England; therefore Miss Lloyd could stay at Montepulciano for a month as an unpaying guest as long as Braccio may likewise go and stay with the Lloyds [Margaret and Ted?] for a month and improve his spoken English. If this is impossible, asks if Trevelyan could suggest another family for Braccio to stay with. Would like to read Virginia's book [Woolf's "Three Guineas"] though expects not to like it much, like "A Room of One's Own]; would be grateful if Trevelyan could send a copy. The Lippmanns' visit has not brought B.B. [Berenson] the pleasure he hoped for: 'something dry... and pedantically moralising' about Lippman; his new wife 'an improvement on the previous one' but hysterical. Returning home today, then will go to Sorrento, then to 'the new Consuma' at Vallombrosa. Trevelyan's friend is welcome if he comes when Morra is at home. Knows nothing about [Leone?] Vivante's book and asks why he ought to read it.

TRER/5/85 · Item · 22 July 1938
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Metelliano. - Asks Trevelyan to explain to Mrs [Margaret?] Lloyd why he has not been able to reply to her letter. Further discussion of the Braccis' plans for their son Braccio to spend a month in England (see 5/84): it seems that they would like him to stay with the Spring-Rices' but do not want to commit to having Miss Lloyd as a paying guest. Will see Alberti at Montepulciano, returning from a journey to North and South America. Everyone is very grateful for Mrs Lloyd's kindness. Has received Virginia [Woolf]'s book ["Three Guineas"?], and sent a spare copy of his article "Silenzio di Don Giovanni", in "La Cultura", to Trevelyan, and will send another he has written on [Giosuè ?] Carducci. Very interested in Trevelyan's translations of Leopardi, and hopes to see some soon. Has not yet heard anything about [the Berensons'] 'new Consuma' at Vallombrosa. Is sad about Mary's state of health.