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TRER/15/92 · Item · 30 July 1934
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Originally enclosing a letter to Julian which Bob found on the return home, probably from Nicky [Mariano]. Lina [Waterfield] said in a telephone call that she thought it would be all right even if [her husband] Aubrey had not written to Aulla; he is currently away in Gloucestershire, but [the people at Aulla] will understand Julian's telegram and get things ready [for his and Ursula's honeymoon]. Hopes Julian and Ursula had time for everything in London. Bob and Bessie stopped to see Mrs V[aughan] W[illiams] and Adeline on the way back, and gave them some cakes; Ralph [Vaughan Williams] is 'getting on well'. Glad that everything went so well, and hopes they have a good time.

TRER/5/294 · Item · [8 Oct 1933?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

11 Roxburgh Mansions, Kensington Court, W.8. - Fine weather has welcomed his return to London; is very much enjoying his biological work at the Huxley Building, very different to the 'mathematic struggles' that once took place there; describes the difference in smells between the 'cold musty odour of Maths and Mechanics' on the lower floors and that of the biological science department. Enthuses over discoveries in biology: 'We come very close now to the knowledge of life itself"; is no longer an active socialist, though he maintains his belief in its 'ethical rightness'. Hopes she will visit when in London; the [Vaughan Williams] family has settled in, though the flat is a little bare; hopes he will be able to visit when he returns to Dorking as he enjoyed his stay at the Shiffolds very much.

TRER/16/212 · Item · [14 Sept 1932?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The White Gates, Westcott Road, Dorking. - Saw the news in the "Times" this morning; glad he had met 'such a splendid man and fine musician [Bessy's brother in law Julius Engelbert Röntgen?]', and remembers the 'delightful visit to Amsterdam', as well as his visit to Dorking last year when he 'played to us so wonderfully'. Adeline sends her love.

TRER/16/201 · Item · 7 Apr [1939?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The White Gates. - They are happy that Bessie is home again, her 'courage rewarded'; she must 'feel so satisfied at having got through so brilliantly'. Hopes she will have a 'satisfactory report of Mrs [Alice] Elms'; her own cook has fallen and broken her arm, and will be away for six weeks, luckily they have a 'substitute'. Returns Mrs Löwenbach's letter; was glad to see it as they have heard from her 'but not at so much length'. Believes it will be hard to persuade her to stay with them, as she will be 'so scrupulous', but hopes to see her as she remembers her as being 'very attractive'. They expect a visit from 'Bob de Ropp and his Eileen on Monday'. Notes in a postscript that 'work for LHMC [Leith Hill Music Competition]' is 'in full swing'.

TRER/22/108 · Item · [1941?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The White Gates. - He and Adeline send thanks for Bob's 'Xmas Poem' ["A Dream"]; has read it twice and is 'getting into it'; does not yet 'follow the end of the whole matter', but a third reading may put him right. Sends his 'latest small thing' [perhaps "England, My England"] in return. Sends love to Bessie. Ursula [Wood] is in 'raptures [?] about her weekends at the Shiffolds'.

TRER/22/107 · Item · 27 Dec [1947]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The White Gates. - Has been reading through the '1947 Xmas book' ["From the Shiffolds"]: thinks it a 'very fine collection'; names the poems he particularly likes. Adeline wants him to tell Bob 'how much she likes "Dandelions"'. Bob may have heard that their friend Raynor has been given a hundred pounds by the Musician's Benevolent Fund. They send love to Bessie.