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TRER/6/6 · Item · 28 June 1914
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Folkestone: from Tuesday to Friday, 7 Longwall, Oxford, then 52 Castle Hill, Folkestone. - Is going to Hindhead for the weekend on 11 July, and wonders whether she might call on the Trevelyans on Monday the 13th to talk over her translation of the first two acts [of "The Bride of Dionysus"] 'more or less independently of [Donald Tovey's] music; they could also make plans to meet up with Tovey, perhaps at the beginning of August. Saw Tovey briefly in Oxford after the Encaenia, but 'only to shake hands'. Has sent her translation to Mme [Elsie?] Mathis, 'an excellent judge', but will send it to Trevelyan as well before they meet; asks if he would also like the score.