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TRER/6/31 · Item · 28 Mar 1892
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

12 Pembroke Gardens, Kensington, W. - Has been wanting to ask Trevelyan's opinion about starting a weekly magazine [the "Cambridge Observer"]; hears from [Eddie] Marsh that he is optimistic. Wishes he had been in [Arthur?] Tansley's room on the last day of term, when there was an 'air of keenness'. The plan is for a serious magazine, with 'no conventional fun about proginses & bedders & Newhamites"; admires Carr B. very much but thinks he is well represented already while 'more serious people' are not. Problem with finding a good editor; feels a committee would solve this problem, though he knows Trevelyan does not agree; discusses how it might work. The paper would consist of: remarks on events; reviews; poetry or a story; a political or philosophical essay; 'an article on the Town by a Townee'; Oxford correspondence; athletics; Newnham & Girton. The town correspondent is to be Mrs Rye, a 'very hard-working clever Liberal' and a member of the Board of Guardians, whom Trevelyan's brother knows. Hoping to get [Cyril Mowbray?] Wells to write on athletics. Is sending a prospectus to Tansley, [Bertrand] Russell and [Charles] Sanger, who are very keen, and hopes to distribute this (with their corrections) on the first day of term with the paper following the week after. Thinks Palmer will do the printing.

Papers of A. S. F. Gow
GOW · Fonds · 1887-1978

Personal material of A. S. F. Gow is catalogued under (A): this includes early biographical material he compiled for his nephew Sir Michael Gow, two photograph albums, and correspondence, particularly letters (1907-1920) from William Ridgeway. There is also a handwritten biography, perhaps by Gow, of Cyril Mowbray Wells with other material relating to Wells.

Academic papers, (B), include notes on classical texts, (?1928-1951) some for lectures given by Gow, and items found with the notes, as well as part of Gow's dissertation for a Fellowship at Trinity in 1911.

(C) comprises articles by Gow,"A Cambridge Seal Box of the Seventeenth Century" (1934); "Sir Stephen Gaselee, 1882-1943 - a memoir" (1944), with related material including correspondence, press clippings and so on. (E) consists of items removed from the printed books left by Gow to Trinity College Library (now catalogued under the shelfmark GOW), including correspondence, photographs, press clippings and reviews.

Material related to A. E. Housman (F) includes Gow's "A. E. Housman - a biographical sketch" (1936), along with related items such as corrections, reviews (1936-1938) and correspondence (1936-1963); a letter to J. W. Mackail by Housman, 25 Aug 1922, with a draft copy of his "Last Poems" and comments on it, and portrait sketches of Housman, some inscribed to him by William Rothenstein. There are also newspaper reviews of Housman's inaugural lecture as Professor of Latin at University College (1892, published in 1937) and of his edition of Manilius (1938). Items relating to Housman removed from printed books left by Gow to the Library also fall under this class; several of these are letters from the authors of books on Housman to Gow, such as Laurence Housman, Percy Withers, John Carter and Henry Maas.

Items related to academic societies and institutions fall under the (G) class: reports by the Society for the Promotion of Hellenic Studies (1899-1904) and the British School at Rome (1904-1919); accounts of excavations in Cyprus from the Journal of Hellenic Studies (1887-1891).

Finally, there are six bound volumes with Gow's bookplate (H) containing transcripts of Housman's lectures. Five are typescript: three transcripts of Housman's notes now in Cambridge University Library, "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism" (containing note of thanks to Gow from 'B[ertram] G[oulding] B[rown]), "Ovid, Heroides I-IV" and "Ovid, Heroides VI-XII" (with additional MS notes by Gow); "Horace, Odes I-III" (transcript of notes taken at Housman's lectures by S. L. Franklyn in 1932, corrections from Housman's lecture notes by B. Goulding Brown 1940-1941); "Plautus, Captivi" (transcript of Housman's notes lent to assessors in the Classical Tripos part II, 1932). The last volume contains MS lecture notes by Gow on Housman's "The Application of Thought to Textual Criticism" (1292), "Notes on Martial", and an index; loose inside, a printed sheet of extracts from Manilius', with M. S. additions in pencil, and M.S. notes by Housman.

Gow, Andrew Sydenham Farrar (1886-1978), classical scholar