Album containing 119 cuttings of newspaper and magazine articles mentioning Sir James and Lilly Frazer, including reviews of 'Aftermath', 'Creation and Evolution of Primitive Cosmogonies', 'Essais et souvenirs', 'Totemica', 'Greece and Rome: a Selection from the Works of Sir James George Frazer', 'Pasha the Pom', 'A Bibliography of Sir James Frazer', and 'The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion', including reviews by Raymond Firth of 'Totemica' for both 'The Spectator', Nov. 1937 (page 19) and for 'Life and Letters To-Day', Winter 1937 (page 27); and by Ruth Benedict of 'The Fear of the Dead in Primitive Religion' Vol. III in 'The New York Herald Tribune' of Sept. 1936 (page 52). A photograph of James and Lilly from the 'Weekly Illustrated London' of 2 Jan. 1937 appears on page 6.
From the Rector, Exeter College, Oxford - Gives the date of Hutton's Frazer lecture; advises on the lecturer for 1938 at Cambridge: suggests Radcliffe Brown, finds Masefield no more of an anthropologist as the next man, can't think of any older anthropologists except E. A. Hooton, younger ones include E. Evans Pritchard, Raymond Firth, or 'why not a woman for a new departure': Audrey Richards.
The London School of Economics and Political Science - Encloses the pages of an unidentified corrected typescript relating to the Maori calendar and its connection with seasonal occupations; is looking to the publication of the 'Fasti' for more on the correlation of the calendar with agriculture. Parts of the typescript relating to the division of the year into ten named months is marked in Frazer's red crayon.
Accompanied by the envelope, with a note in Frazer's hand, 'The Maori Calendar in relation to Agriculture (to be compared with Roman Year of Ten Months).