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Add. MS b/37/346 · Item · c 1947-c 1955
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Grinnell Iowa, U.S.A. Dated Sept. 5, 1910 - Sends a copy of his missionary colleague E. F. Carey's paper, 'Survivals of Nature-Worship in Armenia' [transcribed]; has been at home on leave for a year and will be returning to the field soon at Marsovan, Turkey and asks for more copies of his anthropological questions pamphlet.

FRAZ/16/80 · Item · 11 Feb. 1907
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

19 Southmoor Road, Oxford - Has read 'Adonis, Attis, Osiris' and as a former missionary in Turkey, shares that "Tammuz" is the Turkish name for July; many other customs described in the book are familiar, describes dervishes he witnessed, describes other rites that are surely pre-Christian in origin.

Accompanied by the envelope, on which Frazer has noted, 'Asia Minor superstitions, Dervishes, &c.'

FRAZ/16/81 · Item · 19 Feb. 1907
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

19 Southmoor Road, Oxford - Has his postcard and letter and tells him he is most welcome to use the material in the letter [of 11 Feb. 1907]; was a missionary in Marsovan, in the ancient Pontus; has come to England to study the history and comparison of religion; there is much lore in the area that is not in books; his 'Golden Bough' was one of the first books he wanted to read on leaving Turkey; has published articles on sacrifice, saint worship, and survivals of primitive religion among the people of Asia Minor, offers to send them; wishes to understand his parishioners. Accompanied by the envelope.