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Add. MS a/190/15 · Unidad documental simple · 27 July 1879
Parte de Additional Manuscripts a

Trinity College, Cambridge - Written to Aldis Wright in Lowestoft with information about the Master [W. H. Thompson] writing from Carlsbad, the Vice -Master from Zurich, and Blore's return from Mürren and Vevey; news from Cambridge - a judge in residence, and an article about the Commission wishing to install a religious instructor in every College.

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Add. MS b/17 · Subserie · 1861-1926
Parte de Additional Manuscripts b

Includes testimonials and printed material. Some letters have explicatory notes by Florence Image. Almost 40 letters from Henry Jackson. Several letters from or relating to: H. M. Butler (some to Florence Image), A. V. Verrall, W. Aldis Wright, W. H. Thompson, Duncan Crookes Tovey and other members of his family, J. G. Frazer, J. N. Dalton, and J. W. L. Glaisher; for other correspondents see names below. Some letters by Image himself to various correspondents, and printed material

Add. MS a/63/32 · Unidad documental simple · 7, 20 May 1850
Parte de Additional Manuscripts a

Concerning the importance of regular Sunday sermons in Chapel. Signed by resident members of Trinity College in Holy Orders, namely W. G. Clark, H. J. Hotham, H. R. Luard, H. C. A. Taylor, F. J. A. Hart, J. B. Lightfoot, E. W. Blore, E. M. Cope, J. Glover, and H. M. Ingram.

Letter from George Denman
Add. MS c/72/34 · Unidad documental simple · 28 June 1885
Parte de Additional Manuscripts c

Written on the death of Edward Blore. Accompanied by a clipping of a poem written by Denman, "Our Father" written by the deathbed of his daughter.

FRAZ/16/90 · Unidad documental simple · [after 10 Dec. 1881]
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

One of a set of eight testimonial letters printed when Frazer was an applicant for the Chair of Humanity at the University of Aberdeen: notes his excellence is not because of training in an English Public School but because of his own work and love of learning; his dissertation for the fellowship was 'masterly'. Accompanied by a duplicate.