War Department, Washington. Dated April 28, 1889 - Information on Native American rites, in answer to Frazer's questions; Zunis burying 'plume sticks' at planting time; Frank H. Cushing is an authority on the Zunis; Moquis and nearly all the other Pueblos have the same rite; witnessed Apaches carrying a cross with snakes and other decorations; will send a copy of Frazer's questions to Dr [John S.] Hittell in San Francisco; is finishing a work on Ur-Orgies.
Dark green bound volume of 44 cuttings, primarily reviews, of the first edition of 'The Golden Bough'; includes reviews by Isaac Taylor in 'The Academy' (tipped on to p. 5), John G. Bourke in 'The American Anthropologist' (verso of p. 11), and W. Warde Fowler in 'The Classical Review' (tipped on to p. 13).
War Department, Washington - Has read his anthropological questions, is publishing a volume with some answers and will send it to him ['Notes on the Cosmogony and Theogony of the Mojave Indians of the Rio Colorado, Arizona?]; answers his question about whether Eagles kept in cages are maintained by the members of the Eagle Clan - has evidence they are not; praises 'Totemism'.
Accompanied by the envelope redirected from Trinity College to 15 Albany St, Edinburgh.
War Department, Washington D.C. Dated August 28th 1889 - Has been on a tour of duty in connection with the Apache Indians; sent one of Frazer's list of questions to John S. Hittell; another was given to Thomas Keam, who has been living among the Moquis of Arizona and is an expert; the Turtle is a Moqui totem; might go out to the Moqui again and learn about the Snake Dance, but dreads the trip; was in North Carolina, where the Cherokees still use a blow-pipe gun.
War Department, Washington. Dated June 12, 1889 - Several of his letters to Frazer have been misaddressed and are being sent again; is revising his new books and asks for any references he may wish to send.