81 East Road, Cambridge. - Explains why he was disturbed by von Wright's late entry to his course; suggests that he start attending his lectures the following term; invitation to meet him in his rooms.
81 East Road, Cambridge. - Notice of his first lecture.
81 East Road, Cambridge. - Very glad to have received von Wright's letter; wishes he was in Finland; does not know whether he will be able to lecture under the present 'depressing circumstances'; would like to send von Wright a manuscript of 'the first volume of my book' [roughly the first 188 sections of Part I of the Philosophical Investigations]; admits he is a bad correspondent.
Trinity College, Cambridge. - Lectures vary a great deal; his mind feels exhausted; thinks he will have to give up teaching; glad von Wright is going to lecture at Cambridge, but will not attend as he dare not allow foreign material into his work; has not read von Wright's book for the same reason.
Trinity College, Cambridge. - von Wright's letter arrived late; please come to his room; arrangements to meet.
Sorry that von Wright was unable to come to his class; encloses vitamin B and blackcurrant puree; respect for Kreisel and G. E. M. Anscombe.
Trinity College, Cambridge. - Glad von Wright liked Smythies; feels run down; has two more copies of the typescript but von Wright's copy has the most corrections.
Invitation to see him; feeling very run down.
Enjoyed having von Wright in Cambridge for a term; has been to Ireland and intends to visit Vienna after which he will resign his chair; hopes to publish 'a part of my book'; mind in great disorder; dreads seeing Vienna again.
Trinity College, Cambridge. - Professorship ends on 31 December; has been dictating some of the material he has been working on in the past two or three years; not optimistic about his future.
With Wittgenstein's address in Ireland.
Kilpatrick House, Red Cross, Wicklow, Eire. - Description of his lodgings in Ireland; requires greater loneliness; feels better than in Cambridge; thought von Wright would not apply for his chair as prospects of living in England were not attractive and he would not wish to bring up his children there; thanks for the news cutting of the avalanche near his hut in Norway.
Plan of area where the recent avalanche in Norway took place [see previous item]. Drawing of dome on reverse.
Kilpatrick House, Red Cross, Wicklow, Eire. - Has heard that von Wright has applied for his chair; will write him a good recommendation. Cambridge is a dangerous place; he must become superficial and smooth or pay dearly.
Kilpatrick House, Red Cross, Wicklow, Eire. - Has sent von Wright's recommendation [for the chair of philosophy at Cambridge]; work is progressing slowly; is 'on the straight road to insanity'.
Rostro Cottage, Renvayle PO, Galway, Eire. - Glad von Wright accepted his Chair [at Cambridge]; has cottage right on the sea; gets tired easily.
40 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, Uxbridge. - Leaving for Vienna on Wednesday; wishes to spend a fortnight in Cambridge on his return.
Vienna. - Looking forward to seeing von Wright in Cambridge.
IV Argentinierstrasse 16, Vienna. - Unable to write fully as his sister is ill.
Ross Hotel, Dublin. - Anaemic, and going into hospital to have it investigated; hopes to see von Wright in June.
Contains notes from Carnitt An ambiguity of the word Good, Pritchard The Meaning of acahom in Aristotle's Ethics, Campbell Prologmena to a Theory of the Moral Criterion, Whiteley Goodness of Motive, Duncher Ethical Relativity ?, Ewing Non-naturalistic Analysis of Good, Mabbott Punishment, Leon Rightness of Goodness, Field Kant's First Moral Principle, Prichard-Cambridge The Problem of Duty, Laird Concerning Right, Lamont The Notion of Duty, Hughes Motive and Duty, Falk Obligation and Rightness, Taylor The Freedom of Man, Stevenson Ethics and Language, Prior Logic and the Basis of Ethics, Prichard Moral Obligation, Hare Imperative Sentences, Peters Hare on Imperative Sentenses, Hagerstrom on Intention Command and Duty, von Wright on Deontic Logic, Toulmin Reason in Ethics, von Wright Essay in Deontic Logic abd General Theory of Action
Ross Hotel, Dublin. - Result of tests; hopes to visit Cambridge within two months if his iron treatment goes well; head is 'completely dull'.
Ross Hotel, Dublin. - Would like to visit Cambridge in June; would like to stay somewhere where all his meals will be prepared for him; would like Gitta Deutsch to do some typing for him.
Ross Hotel, Dublin. - Feeling much better; sorry Gitta Deutsch cannot type for him; will look for someone else when he arrives.
40 Swakeleys Road, Ickenham, Uxbridge. - Wants van Wright to use his [Wittgenstein's] ration coupons and return the covers; health as yet unchanged.