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FRAZ/19/29 · Item · 11 Jan 1933
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

The Presbyterian College, Carmarthen - As a former Advanced Research Student at the University of Cambridge, asks for help in attesting to the value of the degree to the University of Leeds, where he is applying for the Philosophy and History of Religion chair; has been told by the Registrar that he was one of the last men awarded a B.A. in Advanced Research before the Ph.D. was instituted. Says his knowledge of Hebrew will be useful, and remembers Frazer's story of Robertson Smith and how the language had helped with research into Primitive Religion.

TRER/ADD/39 · Item · 1 May 1941
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

W[est] H[ackhurst]. - His cough is much better, and he has been to London a couple of times. Did 'not hint to the Master and Masteress [of Trinity, George and Janet Trevelyan, see TRER/ADD/38]' that they should invite Bessie, but 'merely mentioned your name in passing as that of an esteemed acquaintance'; did not mention Miss Simpkins 'at all. So there!'. Hopes she will enjoy the visit and have good weather; May Dickinson and others will be 'delighted' to see her.

Florence [Barger] has 'now left Manchester for Durham'; they 'long for her to come back'. The Rede Lecture [at Cambridge] is a single one; Forster has been asked to give it on Virginia Woolf, on 29 May. Augustus Daniel gave it last year on 'Some Approaches to a Judgment in Painting'.

FRAZ/17/54 · Item · 5 Apr. 1927
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Emmanuel College Lodge, Cambridge - He has been busy with the admission of undergraduates and it is plain the University is no longer able to cope with the numbers who wish to join; the dinner on Shrove Tuesday was a great success; it was a pity that Marett felt the need to attack Elliot Smith on such an occasion [his Frazer Lecture]; but Elliot Smith doesn't appear worried by it.

Add. MS a/625 · File · 1843-1854
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Papers believed to have been gathered by William Whewell, with his drafts and notes on some papers, and one bearing marks of having been mailed to him. These papers consist of over 100 printed notices dated from 1845-1854, the bulk of which are dated 1853-1854. The notices concern graces offered to the University of Cambridge Senate, as well as notices to members of the university concerning tradesmen, lectures, prizes, clerk elections, and a visit by Prince Albert. These are accompanied by 23 miscellaneous reports and petitions concerning topics before the University of Cambridge Senate, or relating to Trinity College; two property and income tax certificates, made upon the University of Cambridge in February 1843, and are accompanied by four printed items bearing revisions in Whewell's hand, and five sheets of drafts in Whewell's hand.

Whewell, William (1794-1866), college head and writer on the history and philosophy of science