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FRAZ/17/64 · Unidad documental simple · 29 June 1932
Parte de Papers of Sir James Frazer

10 Wood Lane, Highgate, London, N.6. - Is pleased to hear of the honour conferred on him by St Andrews, a place that is associated with the memory of Andrew Lang; passes on an account of a 'bad' clan among the Wazinza, the Musingo or Basingo, who are not allowed to mix with the others, are the ones who are chosen for sacrifices, due to an old story about a Musingo woman preventing a dead woman from returning to life. They have a number of PhD students abroad, including Monica Hunter who will return to write up notes on the Pondo and Xosa women's position, Reo Fortune at work in Tikopia; have lost two excellent field workers John Charlesworth and Austin Kennett.

Accompanied by the envelope redirected from Trinity College to the Albemarle Club.