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TRER/8/94-95 · Item · [14 Dec 1913]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Northlands, Englefield Green, Surrey. - Is writing in case Donald [Tovey] has not done so to say that he cannot now come to the Trevelyans; he is going to Wales today to see his 'delightful Aunt [Anna Walter Thomas], then will travel with Sophie Weisse to Germany where he will see [Fritz] Steinbach at Cologne and the Buschs [Adolf and Fritz] at Mainz before playing in Vienna on 8 Jan. Hopes to see him for Christmas at Marburg, where she will be with Henry (her brother) and his family for 'their sad holiday [after the death earlier in the year of Henry's daughter Peggie?]'. Thinks the travelling is good for Donald; he is 'already better', working on a concerto grosso for string orchestra with 'the opera ["The Bride of Dionysus"] in the background, and his playing is 'in perfect order; he played the [Beethoven] Waldstein Sonata 'superbly' last night. Hopes they will both return by 15 Jan; hopes the Trevelyans will then come and spend a night or two with them, when Lady Hely Hutchinson and her children Natalie and Victor will be staying. They have just had Molly and Desmond MacCarthy there, whom she 'love[s] very much'. Will send 'another music picture book' for Julian.

TRER/7/46 · Item · [Spring 1924?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

University of Edinburgh. - is sorry to have been indecisive, but has been 'surrounded by whirlwinds; what with moving house, providing for Victor Hely-Hutchinson and his Mamma'. Miss Weisse is helping him very much and he would be 'rather up a tree without her'. Would be glad if Trevelyan could have him to stay towards the end of the next fortnight or ten days: will write with exact date soon. His symphony is meant to be performed on 30 May.

TRER/7/37 · Item · [13 Aug 1914?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Elton Hall, Peterborough. - Is attracted by Trevelyan's Rothbury plan and will join in if he can, but there are factors which may prevent him. Miss Weisse went to Germany the Sunday before the British declaration of war; the Noordewiers [Aaltje and Michiel], who have just returned to Holland, heard from her a week ago and she is safe in Hanover. She can get money from the Streckers at Mainz there, and he has 'no special cause for anxiety' at the moment. His brother [Duncan] is in the London Scottish Regiment and has just left on active service, so his family at Worplesdon may want help. He also left all his opera score at the Shiffolds. Whatever his own prospects, and whatever becomes of Fritz Busch, he has to try to work as if nothing has changed. It is 'awful' working on his symphony, 'every note of which is Fritz's private property' but if Fritz comes through the war he could not face him unless the work were perfect. He and Trevelyan must also carry on with the opera: 'German translation & all'. Must not let himself merely subside into his Edinburgh professorship, but must also make 'a striking and solid success' of his first term's work there. Will have a few 'rather vulgar sham-organization-&-efficiency bullies' to cope with, and needs to win the support of people of 'real culture' through efficiency. His timetable is in print in the University calendar; has decided to get a secretary for office-work, and asks if Trevelyan knows of a candidate, though he must be 'an Edinburgh sort of librarian's bottle-washer' and it wouldn't be a good move for Rupert Leigh [Rupert Lee?].

Thinks it best to complete his time at Elton Hall: 'Victor [Hely-Hutchinson]'s talent is a thing of immense importance' and he must be saved 'from the appalling bad musical taste of his people'; they are not 'bad and vulgar' but 'good and kind, in spite of many British limitations that are beyond caricature' and their 'impenetrable satisfaction with the precise stage of culture they happen to have drifted into', which makes things difficult, but he thinks he will succeed. Hal Goodhart-Rendel is an example of 'what bad feeding can do for the finest material in the world': both he and Victor had 'more talent, better health & stronger brains' than Tovey had. His sister [Natalie] must had had a quite useful talent and her violin-playing could have been useful to Victor, but 'it is now so unspeakably bad' and she plays 'such vile stuff' to the delight of her relations that it is bad for Victor to play with her. So Tovey feels he should stay until the other tutor comes on the 20th.

Would be an 'honour & delight' to meet Trevelyan's parents again, and sees it would be good for Trevelyan to be north; however, it may be better for Tovey to be near Northlands, Worplesdon and the Shiffolds. Leaves the decision to Trevelyan.

TRER/6/193 · Item · 9 Nov [1938?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

39, Royal Terrace, Edinburgh, 7. - Thinks she is a little better than in the summer, and has let 'so many things slide' that she is not busy at all. Misses Molly [Grierson?] very much, though Miss Morah [?] is 'most helpful and obliging'; Molly has not been to see them as she is busy at home, but they went to stay with her for two nights last week; good to see her looking 'very well and very interested in all her household & parish things'. Have heard nothing from [Edward] Renton; believes he is coming up to conduct [the Reid Concert] on 26 Jan, but that is a long way away. Does not know what to suggest: perhaps Bob could ask to see what he has done; Donald is 'so vague' it is hard to get definite opinions from him, although perhaps if Bob wrote he might reply with an opinion on what is to be done. Gathers from [Victor] Hely-Hutchinson that Rontgen is unlikely to get the South African job. Donald was glad of the news about Joachim Röntgen; as ever, he likes to have news of his friends.

TRER/18/104 · Item · 28 Jan 1939
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

106 Thirlestane Road, Edinburgh. - Feels ashamed that he has not written sooner; got Trevelyan's letter and cheque just before leaving London, and managed not to bring Trevelyan's address with him; then has been caught up in a great 'confusion of arrangements' involving alterations to the programme since Sir Donald [Tovey] could not play and subsequent corrections when he was told the Scottish [Symphony Orchestra] and Reid [Orchestra] had already played works this season. Was also given contradictory information as to whether he was to conduct the whole concert or not; eventually Dr Grierson conducted the first half and he the second; encloses one of the notices [no longer present]. The orchestra misses Sir Donald very much, and there has been a concerning fall in attendance. Sir Donald is 'much better and quite cheerful', but Renton does not think he will be fit enough to return soon, so either Tovey will 'come back too soon and wear himself out', or the 'confusion and lack of direction in the Faculty and in the Orchestra' will become dangerous; Dr Grierson 'does heroic work' but 'cannot be more than a pale shadow of Sir Donald' and there is nobody else. Will stop at Birmingham on his way back to London to see [Victor] Hely Hutchinson about the SA [South Africa?] job, though thinks this is 'no good'; however, has heard from the NBC [National Broadcasting Company?] manager who is 'very hopeful that he can pull off the American job'. Will send further news from London; hopes Trevelyan is having a good time in Italy; here they are 'enveloped in snow and sleet'.